The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

Richer in Giving

There is immense value

within each one of us

that is cumulatively enriched

when we share with each other.


But when it comes to giving,

sadly we hold back

in the pretext of protecting ourselves

and then ironically wonder

where has the goodness of this world gone?


It takes wisdom to realise

and courage to admit

that what you have accumulated

through v...

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How blissful it is

to be fearlessly immersed

in moments that you enjoy

whether alone or

with that trusted someone

where you don't have to pretend

and can spend hours on end

doing the simple things

that you love.


For you are bound to nothing

but your conscience

which will make you feel guilty

about not enjoying the little pleasures

and seizing opportuni...

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Break away

My love,

I wish you could see,

the beauty that awaits to be

a part of your experience,

a part of your reminiscence.


If only you cut off your chains

instead of your wings,

your views would be so different.


My love,

What are you waiting for?

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