Why do you deny me this.
Why do you deny me this?
My separation, my desire to be left alone.
Why do you invade my life?
Like a parasite, you drink me dry.
I want to feel myself, my emotions.
I want to know who I am and who I want to become.
Every time you bring my world crashing down.
Falling, breaking, shattering you worm your way back.
You did no wrongs is what is forever repeated.
Thursday 23rd January 2020 4:54 am
Rise and Breathe
Rise and take breath of newly found freedom.
Rise and take breath as those weighted shackles are gone.
Chains made of the heavyest stone are broken lost to you now are you rise.
Finally there is light.
Finally there is air.
Finally you can breath.
Freedom has been granted and given freely.
It asks no payment only that you take this chance.
Finally there is a shift, a chance...
Saturday 14th April 2018 8:37 pm
Fire and Ice
I am ice, yet there is fire in my veins.
It burns, desperately hoping for release.
But it cannot be released, like one cannot release a dragon on a town, or murderer in a capital.
It hurts without regard, without remorse, so I cannot set it free, but instead choke it down.
Drowning in potential actions, potential consequences.
Yet each word said only fee...
Saturday 2nd December 2017 5:18 pm
Still, you persist to tell me.
Still, you persist to talk to me.
To seek forgiveness for your actions.
To shelter in expected love and giving.
Well, you will not find it here.
You say you understand if I can't talk to you.
Can't. What a word to choose.
Yesterday I couldn't talk to you, today I won't.
Tomorrow, I won't.
And for every tomorrow until you understand what yo...
Tuesday 16th May 2017 6:22 am
Please Leave
Please leave as I cannot bear to see you.
Please leave as I cannot bear to hear you.
Please leave because I cannot be nice.
Not now.
I lost a man I never got to know because of you.
You wouldn't let me see him.
You wouldn't let me know him.
And when he was on death's door, still you reject me trying.
Still you rejected me wanting to know him.
Still you said to me as he w...
Monday 15th May 2017 1:16 am
I am tired of crying, of trying.
I am tired of not being able to express nor have.
You take everything expecting hurt to not come from your crushing silence.
Your silence says that I must take blame.
I must apologize for it was you who'd been done wrong.
While true your silence is not accepted.
Your silence will not be ignored as you have ignored me.
I will not beg nor plead f...
Thursday 4th May 2017 2:52 am
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