The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.

Resentment of an Ex Lover

You entered my life and created a world

A life of perfection and a future arose

I had it all but was not ready

So lost it all in a selfish millisecond,

Now ten years later I still regret 

Like a medieval black sickness 

I wish to forget,

I'd do anything to rewind a decade or more

But knowing your with him hurts even more

Life stretched forth and I'm trapped within

I a...

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Commitment to a Depressive

I gave you my life

I gave you my heart

You showed my the light

And how to be me

You gave me a child

And taught me to be me

You took hold of me

Never let go

It was then you grip tightened

Until I couldn't breath

I struggle now each day

Wish I could be me

But my commitment to child with a conscience

Is greater than my desires and happiness

Maybe one day I'll...

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