Oh, peace, where have you gone?!?
You seemed to have slipped away from me!
Too many worries are haunting me!
Even in my dreams!
I long for peace!
Saturday 20th July 2024 9:14 pm
A Picture's Worth A Thousand Likes!
Attention whore
So insecure
Looking for validation
Social media
Looking for admiration
Camera on
The beat of a song
Looking for flirtation
Tuesday 11th June 2024 3:43 pm
Love must flow freely from the heart
and never be forced
or it's not really love.
Saturday 8th June 2024 4:23 pm
Get off your ass!
Get your head outta the clouds!
Get informed!
Get rid of the shrouds!
Get into gear!
Get with like-minded crowds!
Get serious!
Get rid of the dowds!
Saturday 8th June 2024 4:00 pm
Too many taxes
Taking our money
Too much sugar
Instead of honey
Too much sadness
Not enough funny
Too many rainy days
Not many sunny
You must make the best of what you've got
You need to find your way in this world of rot
You must be true to yourself, in deed and thought
You need to be strong or it's all for naught!
Tuesday 4th June 2024 2:49 pm
Pardon me!
I thought you cared.
I thought I mattered.
Pardon me, but I was mistaken.
You don't and I didn't.
Monday 4th March 2024 4:21 pm
Naieve and trusting
Ignorance is bliss
Until things go awry
Things go amiss
Caring and encouraging
Servitude's the attitude
Until taken advantage of
Taking your good mood
Brave and strong
Fight the good fight
Until the time when alone
The time to cry
Friday 18th March 2022 2:27 pm
A Good Cry
Stop crying or I'll give you something to cry about
Words that have haunted me since childhood
They were imprinted into my brain
They broke my heart
They scarred my soul
For years I hid my tears
From glaring eyes
I shut down feeling anything
Unable to speak
I was alone
Where no one could see me
Or hear me except God
Saturday 15th January 2022 2:55 pm
Lessons in Life
I learned a long time ago
That the only one I could control
Was myself
I learned to question everything
For better understanding
Of the truth
I learned how to survive
The struggle and the strife
On my own
I learned to appreciate
The blessings on the plate
Set before me
Tuesday 8th June 2021 1:39 pm
One of my biggest mistakes
Was falling in love with a fake
Who was not who he pretended to be
He'd only mirrored my good qualities
One of my greatest lessons
Ended up being a blessing
His shine began to fade
When I realized his charade
One of my most magnanimous feats
Was to find the courage to speak
To walk away from a selfish prick
To leave the Narcissi...
Saturday 22nd May 2021 1:37 pm
I cry for the past
Of what once was
For how it could've been
But it's over now and
There's no turning back
I'm moving on
I cry for the present
Of how it really is
I'm all on my own
With nobody to miss
Except for my son
I cry for the future
The uncertainty
I keep holding on
But it's hard to stay strong
When my body is failing me
Saturday 17th April 2021 4:14 am
Looking back on the past
It's hard to believe
That I made it through
Such tragedies
From youth to adulthood
Fighting battles I never should have
With family, with friends
I was betrayed
Looking at the present day
I'm glad I found a way
To shrug off the naysayers
No matter what they said
From walking to talking
Saying goodbye to their charades
...Friday 19th March 2021 10:50 pm
You were like a drug
That I couldn't get enough
I craved your attention
You played with me
You were like a mirage
That I couldn't quite see
I sought understanding
You confused me
You were like a bad dream
That I was scared to experience
I gave you my heart
You gave me silence
You were like an epiphany
That I suddenly had
I was your opposite
...Saturday 10th October 2020 8:39 pm
Trauma Bound
Every time I fall
I land with a thud
I shake my head
I get back up
I won't stay down
I'll rise up again
Like a phoenix
See me rise
Into the sky
Like a burning flame
Your one desire
Higher and higher
Until I lose consciousness
And come crashing down
Towards the ground
I fall into you
Thursday 10th September 2020 6:24 pm
Nobody's Fool
I am not the same
as I was yesterday
For I have grown in knowledge
I have learnt something new
I am nobody's fool
I am not ashamed
of the choices I have made
They were made for survival
People were so cruel
I am nobody's fool
I am not afraid
to ask the hard questions
To get to the truth
To search for clues
I am nobody's fool!
Thursday 9th April 2020 1:14 pm
I was high on you
I wanted you
I was on fire
Consumed by desire
Like a moth to a flame
That was your game
To burn me alive
And leave me to die
To prove that you
Had power over me
Monday 2nd March 2020 2:58 pm
I fought
I fought so hard
Not to be with
A man like my father
Selfish and demanding
With cruel misunderstandings
Lots of silence and too many lies
I fought so hard
Not to be like
A woman like my mother
Afraid of her abuser
Becoming his enabler
Staying quiet to keep the peace
Losing her identity
I fought so hard
To become
The woman I am today
Tuesday 3rd December 2019 4:01 pm
I'd rather
I want a life of peace and love and comradely
I want a man I can love and who can love me
I want a man I can trust, because he could trust me
I want a man with values and integrity
Who wants to live right, without animosity
I want a man who isn't demanding, controlling or belittling me
I had a father who was a tyrant and didn't love me
Or his version of love was to discipline and punish me
Saturday 30th November 2019 3:11 pm
An end to your means
As much as I was attracted to you
I felt your repulsion of me
As much as I had admired you
I felt your loathing for me
As much as I opened myself up to you
I felt you close yourself off to me
As much as I wanted only you
I felt your uncertainty
As much as I remained chaste to you
I dreamt of your infidelities
As much as I loved you
I felt your hatred for me
As m...
Thursday 28th November 2019 4:01 pm
I liked you better
When I first met you
When you seemed to really like me
I liked you better
Before I really knew you
When I thought you were honest with me
I liked you better
When I thought you were true
Until you were unfaithful to me
Friday 22nd November 2019 12:34 am
It took me awhile
To figure it out
Just what you were up to
You had me fooled
Talking about your wounds
And what you went through
You strung me along
With a dance and a song
You were only out for you
You never spoke of love
And that's not enough
For me to hold onto you
So, don't bother to call
For I want it all
I'll let it go to voicema...
Thursday 21st November 2019 12:16 am
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
That I hung on
When you wanted to let go
It was all wrong
But I didn't want to know
That you'd only kept me around
Until something better showed
So, baby, if that's how you really feel
Then, I've nothing left to say to you
Thursday 14th November 2019 6:01 pm
I don't understand. Do you?
I don't understand
How I fell so fast
How I fell so hard
For you
Was it the way that you talked
Or the way that you walked
Or your beautiful eyes
Of blue
I cannot forget
The man I had met
The one my heart picked
Was you
I cannot explain
The joy or the pain
The feelings were insane
With you
I don't understand
Why I let you back ...
Saturday 9th November 2019 1:49 am
Give me one good reason
Your words were weak
They sounded forced
I doubted your sincerity
Your actions were empty
They felt like a farce
I feared for my security
I'd been down this road before
Had games played with my heart
By men who had vehmenently sworn
That I was the only one
Give me one good reason
Why I should give you anything
When you haven't proven to me
Wednesday 6th November 2019 10:33 pm
I was consumed by emotion, offering devotion, when you gave yourself to me.
We had good times for awhile, we both smiled, until you were tempted away from me.
It hurt like hell, my blood boiled, I felt what they call 'jealousy'.
It took a long time not to, blame the other woman who, was your victim as much as I.
You were never mine, you just wanted a good time, you didn't really love m...
Wednesday 6th November 2019 3:28 pm
I gave. You never.
I gave you my love
But it wasn't enough
For you sold me out
I tried, but you cried
What the hell was that about?!
It was always the same
You'd call my name
I'd drop everything
And chase after you
But I was a fool
To think that you
Really and truly
Loved me
I found out through another
That you were a liar
A cheater
A schemer
A victim of your own ...
Sunday 3rd November 2019 12:14 pm
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