The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

Not a Perfect Man

My only outlet twitter

Where the magats twat

I block as quickly as I can

But often I am caught

By something so cruel and vile

Uglier than I could have thought

Some comment on appearance

Of daughter grieving, wrought

By the death of her honorable father

who had fiercely fought

For a country, an ideal

He’d been so strictly taught

To stand by his convictions


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Honest Writing

The worst

Thing is when I

Am writing poetry and spill

My wine

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stupidtruthwriting poetrycinquain form

Trump Era Cinquain

We all

Want to be loved

Is it so hard to give

Love during these contentious times

It is

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cinquain formpolitical

temporary insanity

What gives

Me the right

To be so fucked up?


What happened

To me

That I am so fucked up?


Why does

Everything hurt


Who can

I trust?




No one.





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Get out

Get Out


I have to leave the house tomorrow


Fatigue energized by hope-



Depression fueled by gas-



Truth obscured by astro-



Men & women of honor being held up

to ridicule


A nation dedicated to human rights saving families from

each other


Deaths of innocents lending grievance for




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