The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 33 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.


I’ve always liked boxes.


I collected them for years,
Tiny jewellery boxes, music boxes
Jars, chests and woven baskets

I like how they keep things inside.


I like the mystery, the excitement of

Discovering them, of wondering what 

Treasures are inside, what trinkets

Are guarded by their walls and their door.


I like knowing what’s inside.


I like when stra...

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Good Night

The gentle tingle of your electric finger down my spine

The wistful sigh of warm breath

The glow of deep soft lamplight and the

Caress of fresh clean sheets.


You tangle yourself up in me.

Our fingers twirl playfully, our heartbeats 

In rhythm. Ba doom, ba doom.

I feel a trickle of uncomfortable sweat down my clavicle, but the thereness outweighs my overheating body. 



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Tug Of War

Sweat and tears and laughter flowing through
Your body while your friends cheer you
On, and cheer your opponent on.

You both want to win, but in order for one of you
To win, the other has to lose. 

It starts off friendly, tentative
You keep eye contact, you smile
You want to enjoy the comradery.

There are no sides according to your audience
But both of you know that there is 
A rig...

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letting go


I am angry.

I am angry at men, and women
and children and mothers and fathers.
my body is full of unbridled rage, that the ones
I love and care about, sometimes even myself,
can turn a blind eye to the atrocities right in front of us.

Children ripped from their mothers
Young people blinded and beaten for speaking the truth
Men spewing bile, cruelty, poison to hide the 
depths of their...

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BLMjusticewomens rightschildrens rightsinjusticecrueltybigotryracismsexism

My Safe Place

A deep calming breath.

Take in the oxygen, let it fill your aching lungs.
Blow out the pain and the suffering into a the air, 
Free it from the shackles of your body. It felt like a stranger.
Feel your fingers tingle as the blood rushes up and back down. 
Feel your soul leave the confines of your physical being.

Don't be afraid. You are still here. You are in the world,
Your body is sti...

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A Confession

A confession


In the moonlit dreamtime as the 

Warblers rest and stars kiss the midnight sky

I want to die


As the sun rises flirting seductively with

The horizon and cotton candy clouds

Tiptoe across the dawn

I want to die


In nameless parties with empty faces 

And monsters growing with every sip of

Poison they ingest 

I want to die


Within warm...

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deathidealismdepressionmental illnessstrengthhealthy

Proof read

I don’t need to proofread

I don’t even care. 


My poetry is my heart, and I don’t need to

Check it over, because the thoughts I write 

Are the thoughts that my heart evokes. 

If the grammar is wrong, if the words are clunky,

If my explanation is off then that’s okay.

That’s what my heart wanted to say.


I don’t care whether anyone likes my words 

They’re not for ...

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It’s a nagging,

A light tug of the sleeve on a cold day,

It reminds you it’s there with

Every quiet evening and cancelled plan

If you close your eyes you can feel

It stronger, engulfing you with its words

And its touch, filling your soul with the

Dirty sludge it flourishes within. 

It follows you while you walk from

Street to street, from room to room,

And taunts you ...

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A Declaration

I'm sorry for the things I said
Sorry for the ways I hurt you.

I know sometimes I neglect you,
I find ways to desert you.

I didn't know you wanted me, I didn't know I was allowed
I didn't know I was allowed to love you and keep you for myself.
Your lights, your eyes, your body, your smile,
They're all for me now.

You'll never walk alone,
You'll never feel untouched,
You'll never ha...

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loveforgivenesskindnessprotectionself carelearningredemption


I want to be pretty.

I don’t know what that means

I don’t know if it equates to the amount of free
Drinks I can flirt my way into, how many compliments
I get on my new dress as it swishes in the soft breeze.

I don’t know how many men need to want to touch me,
How many people need to be jealous of me, how many eyes 
Need to be on me.

I don’t know if it refers to the delicate purity ...

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beautyprettyenoughinsecureself esteem

I Don't Miss You

I don't miss you...not really.

I don't even want you...not really.

My empty heart is full of anger and regret, an infection that needs to be detoxed from inside me.

I can feel the grip of what could have been dissolving with every sip of self affirmation and every caplet of affection I imbibe. 

I lick my wounds and feel the poison of jealousy and the sting of my injured pride slowly fa...

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Freedomhappinessrecoveryself care

The Old Ball And Chain

I'm so sick of my spinning thoughts

Up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down

Ecstasy, melancholy, wistful wanderlust, crippling fear, I know no other method.

I want to love, I want to grow, but my body and mind are barely crawling forward, their muscles aching, their breath ragged. 

There's only one constant that fills my being.

Exhausted. Exhausted. Exhausted.

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Why Would You Do That?

I’ve got callouses
I’m covered in scars
I’m broken inside
So loving me is hard

You kissed my fingers
My heart pounded so hard
You bathed me in love
And now i can’t get up my guard

It just seems so easy for you
Even after all we’ve been through
You told me you didn’t want to lose me
So how are you being so cold
You washed away the armour that i hold
I wish that this hurt you like i...

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heartbreakangermoving onlosthurthidden feelings

Green Eyes

I held you in the dark

Your face burrowed in my breast

Your tears made my body sweat and my fingers

Clung to your hair


A smile so small grew on my lips, as you

Thanked me. 


I expect nothing from you.

And I would probably do anything for you. 

And I knew from the moment we touched. 


11am, with the sun streaming in through the window.

You lay in my lap as...

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