The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

To Unknow is to Dream

Hey friends


 My latest entry was inspired by a debate I had with some friends recently.The basic principle of this was the theory that you would be happier uneducated than if you knew everything. The theory that Ignorance is bliss.


 So enjoy the poem and if you would like to comment your thoughts on the subject then please do.


To Unknow is to dream

Knowledge i...

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Well hello my poetic brethren.

 The time has come for yet more spewings from the mind to be shared amongst you. This time I have been partially inspired by a book I'm reading at the moment and partially by a dream I had. I'm pretty sure the two were linked anyway. So let me whisk you friends into the mystical world of Sands.




Vision blurred as focus regains

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Weekend Quest

Good morning campers

 Time for more ramblings from my mind, spewing forth on the page like a student at a house party. Something a bit more story based from me this time, Inspired by a recent trip to Berlin and a simply amazing club called Weekend. I think the poem tells you everything else you need to know.


Weekend Quest

Low lit square at 3AM
Carriage pulls up
Exchange m...

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The Meeting

Hello readers

 It's that time again and a new Poem is upon us, gone for something very different this time which I'm really happy with. Not usually one for writing Fantasy Romance but this just came to me. Hope you enjoy it.


The Meeting

The moon hung softly in the sky
incandescant behind thinly veiled cloud
he waited beneath the bandstand
the sound of waves brushing the...

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Lost Paths

Hi Everybody

 It's that time again and another new Poem is ready to be unleashed on the world. This time inspired by a photograph I took a couple of years ago in Arundel, Sussex. It has a bit of an old world feel this one which I think compliments the subject matter. Hope you enjoy it.


Lost Paths

Ancient bridges beneath crystal waters
Rotten dark and gone to slaughter

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The Communications Trilogy Pt:3 Telephone

Hello friends

 It's been a long time coming but Pt:3 of The Communications Trilogy is finally upon us. This time concentrating on the dreaded audio device of menace, the telephone.

 I've been fairly productive recently so I will be uploading a couple more Poems in quick succession, please take the time to have a look and as always feedback is welcomed.





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The Communications Trilogy Pt:2 Telegram

Hello again

 The time has come to upload part two of my Communications Trilogy. This time the subject of my misery is the dreaded letter. A source of comfort and hope to some and a source of pain and anguish for others. As you may have guessed from part 1 I'm writing from the perspective of the pain and anguish people.

 I hope you enjoy it.



Click! Clack!
The le...

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The Communications Trilogy Pt:1 Television

Hi everybody

 So I have written a trilogy of poems based on the subject of communication. I have rather inventively decided to call them The Communications Trilogy.

 The first on the Trilogy is Television, whilst I am someone who is generally pessimistic about the media and government and don't really believe a word of what we are told, I do suffer from a subconscious paranoia. Beaten i...

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A.W. of Accrington

Well hello there,

 It has been a long old while since I last posted and lots has happened since my last post. I have a new job and am now officially a commuter which is inspiring a large amount of material as you can imagine. I have also had one or two tragic events happen which leads me to my latest entry.

 At the beginning of this month my Grandfather passed away after losing a long f...

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Hi everyone and welcome once again to my poetry blog.

 It's been a while since I last posted which I apologise for but it's been a crazy few months.

 I have a new one for you today which is written about a subject we can all sympathise with, the dreaded  writers block. Some say it's a myth some live by it and for others it just happens from time to time. I also apologise in advance to a...

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writers blockblock

An Ode To Skyrim

Well as usuall I have been empowered by a computer game which is influencing my day to day life in ways that only a stupidly in depth game like Skyrim can do.

 So with this fresh inspiration I have penned a little something about my other life in the digital realm.



An Ode To Skyrim


Frozen wastes on hallowed ground

Captured and in shackles bound

Sound ...

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SkyrimElder Scrollsvideo gamesDragonsWizardsFantasy


Hello and welcome to my second blog. I have a new poem for you this time which was inspired by something I saw on my way home from work recently. Winter nights bring much inspiration when the SAD let's up.




Silver coils glisten against blackened winter night

Penetrating granite fortress walls

A juxtaposition of time and craft

Sparkling with the intensi...

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Hello and welcome to my new poetry blog, some of you who know me may be surprised by my writing and those who don't know me at all I hope you enjoy it.

Quite an old one this but as this is my first entry I thought I would start as I mean to go on.




As the grey old man slips his niche

He discovers the heavenly pleasures of the world

Also he finds that dogs on ...

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