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My Crazy Diamond
Another song/poem. I wrote, and my sons friend and I recorded, its a bit rough cause it was recorded on his phone, but the words are mine.
My Crazy Diamond
As these words cascade upon the page
I feel a hole inside
Sometimes I shine like you
My crazy diamond.
All my friends say its good to have you back
But I’m not there
I’ll spend another day
Just staring at th...
Thursday 12th November 2020 9:49 pm
Blues For David.
A song I wrote a while ago, I played the guitar when I still could, arthritis in my hands has ended that, My cousins son sang and played the Harmonica and clapped.we never sat down and played it just sent stuff back and forth on the internet until we had something he could mix at his studio. Its about my son who died of a rare bone cancer, Ewings Sarcoma at eighteen years of age.
Blues for Davi...
Thursday 12th November 2020 9:35 pm
Fiery heart
The flames licked eagerly at my heart
How long had we been apart?
It seemed a lifetime now
But truth bends in sad dismay.
I try to stare into infinity
But see just tomorrow before me.
Its all too late my psyche states
Its all gone its all to late.
My embalmed mind kisses
All that it misses and misses.
Florid in obscurity
Searching for that purity.
Saturday 9th February 2019 5:37 pm
My Son
The cool clear beauty
that is your face to me.
The seeing of you
that made me feel free.
Your calm and kind smile
gentleness by the mile.
The strength of your mind
That made you so kind.
Your flyaway words
soaring like birds.
Swooping and gliding
wisdom abiding.
Your generosity of spirit
your kindness of soul.
Your limitless friendship
Friday 8th February 2019 2:58 pm
Boulevard (For my son).
The boulevard of broken dreams begins at the end of a snicket, with a shop selling guilt and poverty. Where, mostly men, scratch thin blue lines from short thin blue pens in short hopes of riches. Few walk out with happy visage.
Next an unsmiling heavily built, overly sweaty Armenian take away managers’ tattered emporiam. He exploits youngsters for their honest toil with pennies and always needs ...
Wednesday 30th January 2019 7:10 pm
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