The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 33 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.

Unintended Consequences

The voters ask questions

Why teachers elevate targets above childhood need

Why appeals reinstate owners of spare roomless wheeled chairs

Why care cuts relabel fathers as bedblockers

Why middle eastern victory grows misogynistic martyrdom

‘Unintended consequences’ explain the candidates

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The year is almost over,

Our birds have got the flu,

Our pounds are losing value,

And the trains are overdue,

We held a referendum,

We all had loads to say,

The outcome unexpected,

As it gave us Mrs May,


The NHS is creaking,

Farage is friends with Trump

The English voted Brexit

So the Scots have got the hump

The Doctors started striking

The postal worker...

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A banker, a chemist, a guy with some scent,

Seeking to find what their lives really meant,

Packed a bag with deodorant, toothbrush and flannel,

And embarked on a journey with motor and camel.

The world stared in horror, viewed their route with suspicions

Of explosives and bullets and subversive missions,

Dodging snipers, wild rockets, a smoky sunrise,

Was this quest to the Eas...

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I Rhyme

I rhyme

Out of time

Deliver rendition

In couplet tradition

Unknown by the media

Unlisted in wikipedia

Unfollowed on twitter

Unloved but not bitter

Past my life sell by date

Written decades too late

To be heard in a slam

Or a poetry jam

But I make no apology

For my rhymed poetology

More compulsive than fiction

Rhyming is an addiction

Where the words b...

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My Telephone Week

He called me on a Monday,

Said his name was guy,

Told me of the refund

I could get for PPI


The phone rang twice on Tuesday,

The lady’s name was Dee,

She spoke of eco matters,

How my boiler would be free


On Wednesday I was worried

By an accident I’d had,

The insurance chap who phoned me,

Was convinced the wounds were bad


On Thursday my computer


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Our Digital House

This is the digital house that we built.

This is the room in the digital house that we built.

This is the phone in the room in the digital house that we built.

This is the screen of the phone which she read in despair in a room all alone in the digital house that we built.

This is the joke which was no longer funny on the screen of the phone which she read in despair in a room all alon...

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