The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

Here Not There

If love was kind, why is it often misunderstood 

If love was easy, why do we suffer

We give it away, but sometimes it's not return

We hold onto love, but others may pretend 

It is hard for one to believe

running to love, running from love

love hides here not there

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Love…. Finally

The quest

The fail

The tried 

The untrue

And Rewind

The heartaches

The abuse

The misuse

………….Misery loves company 

It was all a blur

One day true love ❤️ erased You


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The Lover

The Hurt

The Pain

The forgiven

The forgotten

So many things

Not the pandemic 

My liberty

I took that back

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Before the Storm

Stillness in the motion of everything 

Calmness is how I'm feeling of all things 

Quietness in my thoughts as I'm writing

My heart beats a rhythm of a normal pace

What Seems like a good life

Think twice

Before you ask

We wear many masks

We Put on the 'smile now'

Then we Put on the 'cry later'

Whichever you decide to show me 

Take your mask off 

The storm already...

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All that is lost

Lost time, how much time do we really give ourselves 

Are we living our own lives

Lost soul, constant feeling as if something is missing 

Lost goals, fulfilled by unfulfilling ideas, other people's goals

Wasted love, loved the wrong one, lost

Lost hope



Some things lost should stay lost

Some things found should never be found

Some things we ask fo...

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If you dont love me
I know someone who will
You want to lead me on
But I wont follow

Your love is silent 
Your absence is loud
Where you lead
I wont follow

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A love below

Is there no other care
No real time to share 
Other than the love....... below 
You don't see me
Yet..Your eyes are glued to a computer screen 
No joy 
No passion 
No love you seek

You look down 
a love....below 
You seek
True words 
Replaced by images and hash tags
True feelings
Replaced by a smiley face... emoji... emoticons 
No voice to speak
No love you seek


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Embrace Solitude

Embracing my solitude 

and the peace it brings

not a text 

not a phone rings

it’s not so bad

having a peace of mind 

a calmness overwhelms

how useful my time

i listen

God speaks 

it is solitude

i heal

it is solitude 

i begin to feel

not a heartache 

not pain

for once I feel



                Everything above

i am lif...

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Unrequited Love

The feeling of being unwanted is like 
Standing in the crossroads 
Contemplating suicide at night
Yet one has choices 
You can let the feeling overwhelm you 
Or you can let the feeling free you
Freedom from the constant worry 
Freedom from the pain
Being unwanted feels insane

To love and love more

And the love never returns back
When you love a lie

Your heart is pierced with a ...

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When My Love Died Today

A love so strong
It felt so right
But my love was wrong
I cannot sing a love song
For my love died
But I  regained much pride
In so much that the eulogy for my love’s funeral
Is quite long

When my love died today
For once in my wronged love life
I was able to walk away
Love died a horrible death
I broke down and cried so loud
That God heard my soul
Touched my spirit, He found

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