The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

Love is not fixed, Shakespeare!

Hi! This is me Mukund Iyer. It has been a long time putting up with a nice blog post. So here I am, giving you a piece of advice of how love is not real in my view.

"Love is not constant. It is a variable in the equation of intersection between individual life and society."

The above line says it all. Love is not real. Now, Shakespeare, one of the most notorious person with a way around...

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call me crazyjustificationlove is not real

Feminism: A talk about it

Most of the male chauvinist members of society may assume this blog post is about how feminism is better at improving society and how it is the savior of the society. This blog post is not to discuss advantages and disadvantages of feminism, but it is to introspect on whether it is effective enough or more than effective.

Feminism is quite a challenging word for those male chauvinist people as ...

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Ballad of a Procrastinator

I want to do it

But I don’t do it.

I hope to do it,

I know I won’t do it.


My life of procrastination,

Is believed to be an abomination,

By those involved in my creation.

I will never get spiritual emancipation.


This life of procrastination,

Although kills the time I have,

Has enabled my imagination,

To come out of dingy cave.


I think to do it,


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Turned into teen,

Got self-esteem,

I went out to work,

to earn my pork.


Money made my soul,

like a child smiling,

nothing seemed foul,

as I spent my earning.


Days passed swift,

I wasn't much a thrift,

hence no food in fork.

Now I knew I was broke.


Life teaches you a lesson,

but your perfidy unto it,

makes it a transgression.

You do repent...

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Thousand Flasks: A world so racist

A thousand flasks,

residing in heaven's den,

engraved with white masks, 

with thousand souls of men.


A thousand plans,

with a particular thrill.

There are no forms to fill,

to join Ku Klux Klan.


Those thousand flasks,

contain soul of men,

who weren't white men,

killed by the white masks.


David Duke is one of those men,

Whose throne is that of d...

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donald trumpdemonetization in Indiatax evasionku klux klanpresidentpotus

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