She fell down a spiral of her emotions
She was a mess
She felt she was worthless
It was then that she heard a tiny voice
That reminded her of her worth
She remembered who she was and what she was
She regained her self confidence
And promised herself to polish into becoming a beautiful gem
A diamond is who she would be shining brighter than the stars in the twinkling night s...
Saturday 19th August 2023 4:17 pm
Maybe healing does not mean that I won't fall weak when I see you again. Yes my tears will still roll down my cheeks reminding me of the bitter sweet moments we shared. But in healing myself I will have become stronger than I was yesterday. The ground before me will not fall and I shall not collapse. Healing only means that this time if I fall weak I will know that my feelings are okay at that mom...
Friday 18th August 2023 10:16 am
If We Never Met
If we never met
If we never met,
I would have never known your existence,
If we never met,
We would have never talked,
If we never met,
I wouldn't have ever loved you,
If we never met,
I wouldn't ever know love,
If we never met,
I wouldn't have experienced a heart break,
If we never met,
I wouldn't have experienced hurt,
If we never met,
I wouldn't have ex...
Tuesday 15th February 2022 4:44 am
Awaiting Freedom
I seek myself
Fighting demons in my head
I fight a battle daily in my head
These voices in me try to bring me down
Saying I'm not good enough
My chest aches
As though a stone presses on me
My lungs gasp with stifling air
Feeling short of breath
I suffocate with my head barely above water
As much I may try to avoid it
It always finds me in the quiet
Robbing me of...
Monday 24th January 2022 8:18 am
Breaking The Silence
I seek myself
Fighting demons in my head
I fight a battle daily in my head
These voices in me try to bring me down
Saying I'm not good enough
My chest aches
As though a stone presses on me
My lungs gasp with stifling air
Feeling short of breath
I suffocate with my head barely above water
As much I may try to avoid it
It always finds me in the quiet
Robbing me of...
Monday 24th January 2022 7:16 am
Your words were like a swift blade
As though ready to kill
My heart it bled
My eyes it tearedÂ
The voice inside roared
What I once feared had only come true
You were then like a storm set to destroy To shatter what I once dreamed Wonder if words could kill?
Like a foot that set foot on a broken glass
Such it hurt
Like a thorn that pricked a finger
Such it bled
Like Brutus that stabbed J...
Monday 24th January 2022 7:13 am
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