The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 33 days, 7 hours. Get details and Enter.

I'm Only Physically Here.

I'm trying to find serotonin 
In bodies and whiskey oceans 

Floating above water isn't working
Fighting the gravity, so here's to hoping 

I don’t feel right unless I'm wrong
I told you this all along 

It's like there's a switch that flipped
No longer writing my own script

Can you tell me why you're still here
Why you haven't disappeared 

I know I'm always next to you
(But) I'm...

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Who cares

White Striped Echo

"What's the blood from? And please tell the truth
You didn't have those stains before you left for school
You cover your scars but wear the stains with pride"
Would you believe me when I say it's how I feel alive.

Awkward in my own skin but comforted by my blood
I don't even like myself. How can I be someone you love?
Call me a sore loser when I didn't even ask to play
White striped refle...

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