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I am turning to face the sun, ready to face her burning power. Will I be guided or blinded by her strong glare? Sometimes I falter in the game that is called life. I have many talents and I know quite a bit but there is always more waiting to be shown. I am like an eagle, majestic in flight, but life says that the eagle can fall so easily. I have a girl who is my king f...

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I suppose it’s funny, the things that life throws at me, how it all goes to fuck by the slightest mistake! Am I destined to fail at everything I do, with defeat waiting in the wings to bring my eagle down? How does one know when a good day crashes down? I know many things but there’s always more just waiting to be shown. I have some scary weird dreams I don’t understan...

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You feel like a wounded bird tumbling down from the heavens with a broken wing dragging you down. The sky spins around in a crazy swirl of emptiness, you’re falling so fast you seem to be standing still. You wonder what will it be like when you hit the earth, to become one with God. Will it hurt, will you suffer, or will it be so fast that you won’t even notice? Every spin on...

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Before She Fades


Before She Fades (On a dream who are you girl?)

I see you you've come back to see me
You all in black trouser suite
With a bit if lipstick not needed

You're slim and medium height with tied back hair
We get on well you tell me how you feel

I say I've done a poem for you
I fumble in my book to find it
So many messy pieces here

Where is it?

I was just working on ...

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garnets and emeralds

garnets and emeralds
the pretty girl
puts on some blusher
from her compact case
on it is an image 

just like her

a pre-raphaelite print
this girl scans the sky
her eyes always above
she watches the planes 
go out and come back
for she counts them all

one by one

is her guy up there?
or is he missing?
she remembers him
and cares for his comrades
the girl who counts the plane...

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right now i miss you very much
this feeling inside that
i feel you will shrug off
for too much has happened
we've seen too much
done way too much
for this to matter to you
or me but it's there
right inside me
not going but residing
the feeling that i miss you
and we should of done more
gone to more places
cared for one another more
loved the other more
instead of fighting

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the lovers of time

the lovers of time

oh my dear lady 
i do love you
i don't want this to be a cliche
nor a drab love song
i want this to be for you you you
not anybody else

so sing me a song baby
a song of love
about how we met
and what we have
and who we are dear

we are the lovers
the lovers of time
the lovers of time
the lovers of time
how lucky we are
we have this time now
a thing that is...

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songfiction projectlovecharacters

Girl Love Stars

Girl Love Stars
As one 
My Hayabusa girl 
Air force
War sky fight on till my end!
Hold my hand
Love my heart
Gal stars wife dear
I love you always
Always always always
Stay close
Till we meet again
Gal with the stars
Happy th...

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Ulop Flight

Ulop Flight

Her PERFUME was like a vapour trail.                                                                                

She flew in THAT sky.                                                                                                               

She CLIMBED higher and higher.                                                                                       

They CHA...

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big emotionsflight of freedomlovethe sky

Library Girl

from my new poem book WOW! TATTOO MY BUTT read live in ring of bells, midd, june 2013   Library Girl

She worked in the local library part time.

And liked to read Harry Potter books.

She liked a lad who popped in fortnightly.

He was quiet just like her.

Her eyes sought him out whenever he was there.

A shyness inhibited her asking him out.

In time he stopped go...

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lovelibrarygal and guywarinjuredbombtogether


Girl of the planet come to me now and show me your inner soul,
set my mind on fire with your eternal strength.
Goddess of the oceans and rivers, bathe me
in your watery embrace and solitude.
Queen of the deserts and of the shifting sands, fling
a sandstorm at my door, hide me in your deep Sahara.
Angel of the watery skies, blow me away with you...

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mystical femininityplanet earthmother naturenatural landscapeslovewomanman



Natalie is a unique lady who we can all identify with. She's a warrior woman who fought in the Malvinas/Falklands war and was badly wounded. Many of her friends were murdered for having different views, they were a few of The Disappeared. Over time she believes in peace and moves away from war. Natalie has a goth band and a red stunt aeroplane both called Mayo. Check Nat's story out. She ...

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war to peacehuman journeyloss of lifecostwarwarplanemalvinasfalkandslove

Lada Love


Lada Love

Have you ever been so in love with a machine it hurts?

I am. The reason?

Lada cars especially Riva estate cars with square spotlamps in the grill.

What a beautifully proportioned machine,

each line in the right place.

Utilitarian design and poetical looks, filling my soul with joy.

Yes I feel happiness when I see a Lada car.

It makes my day and I ...

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lada carsrussia vehiclecool carlovemachine

Word of?


Word of?

What planet are you from?

Do you return home to see your loved ones?

I'm sure you miss them.

I'd miss my wife if I was eight light years away from my beloved.


Let alone missing my beer drinking brother.

If I remember, it was his round.

That was a decade ago, before I was posted to Desert World Two with its cold cobalt snow and methane sky.



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space research missionmiss familylove





Love is an illusion fuelled by hope

Hope is an illusion fuelled by love

The sky is full of ghosts each cloud

A spirit forever trapped in the blue.



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Love is an illusion fuelled by hope

Hope is an illusion fuelled by love

The sky is full of ghosts each cloud

A spirit forever trapped in the blue.



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I fly through the mountain valley chasing my own shadow

at five hundred miles an hour, on a knife edge

turn I fly around a rock outcrop, g-force crushing me down.

A feeling of being alive lasts forever as time stands still

in a microsecond, for I am on a wing and a prayer,

flying for freedom in a stolen fighter plane.

I have no guns or missiles to...

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flystolen planeunarmedidealisma dreamlove

Natalie. Natalie and Nick


Natalie. Natalie and Nick

I forgive you Ruth for hurting me. Now I must move on and go far away from you. I’m getting married to my warrior friend. Please don’t be mad with me. I think you’d approve and like Natalie. She loves gothic music and even has a band called Mayo, never mind her tattoos and love of flying. Like you, she speaks to me in my dreams. Unlike you, she won’t ever hur...

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natalie and nickmalvinas and falklandsargentina and englandpeaceloveno war




Together we go to the nuclear bunker in York.                                                               

You wear red and black how Goth.                                                                          

You’re my pipistrelle bat.                                                                                 

How special is our day out but we hav...

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my karentripyournuclear bunkerladygothloveromance





You say you love me, but how can you when you hurt me so?

Now that you’re gone I don’t think I miss you, I’ll find another to

be my kindred spirit.

Together we will be invincible, nothing will separate us.

If you’re jealous and make me a war, I’ll kill you, I swear.

Me and my love will be soul deep. If you were to kill us and

burn our co...

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Of all the chances, of all the places,

of all the people, it has happened.

Lori came along and into my life,

from the darklands of Scotland.

A Scottish Goth into planes,

a real soulmate I’ve found.

Distance will be overcome for in a week

I’ll be with her, at journeys end.

What are the chances? Well, it happened

and for that I’m grateful...

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Met you when I never expected to, you who's just like me. Not a handful, a real lady who I've the honour of knowing. Why fate brought us together, I don't know. What matters is that we met and became friends and more. We have something that is ours, no one can take that away from us. I do love you and now I miss you, though certain people don't approve. Like they don't of my writing o...

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Feel like a fugitive in my own life, kind of use to it and enjoy it. Filling the gap where your life and love should be. Do you know how fucking alone I am now? That doesn't matter. My views go to ink, captured in my poems. What will you think when you read it?

I know you exist, somewhere. If you didn't, I'd be totally alone.

Like now.

What if you d...

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lovedarknesshopesoulmatetwin flamekindred spirithis latest flamemoira rankintricia reid





He used to write to her, do his penpal letters in his spare time. Nothing special, you understand, it’s good to be friends and have fun.

Over a year’s worth of letters sent both ways, something young people do. Talking about music and films and their lives.

Out of the blue they came and took him from his homeland, to her land, but he wasn’t destined to meet her...

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stolenwarlovepenpalsisraellebanon2006 war





Lift me up to the stars in your embrace,

come to me, bear your soul as I will for you.

Not long now, we’ll be together. I have to watch

my emotions as you come to claim me – when I have

you I’ll do what is expected of me.

Be patient, I have learnt that. I’ve done my best

and will do for you, for us. So come to me now,

be my soulmate a...

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My dear butterfly who flew into my life, you take away my darkness and make me happy. Not sure how long it's been since I was happy and danced close with a real lady and really smiled a real smile. . By your actions of coming into my life, you banished three years of darkness away, gone for good. We went to the art gallery and looked at the pics, you explained what pictures you like...

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butterflylovetogetherbanish three year of darknessnick is happy





You are my summer river giving me my lifeblood.

I am your field of life and together we shine

like all of its flowers. No one else is like you

and they can’t give me all of that you can.

This is a special thing, what we have between us.

It is so important, like the fish to the sea.

We both want no other, only ourselves in lasting harmony.

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My revenge for you flows swift and quick thru my veins.

I won’t stop till you are caught in my magic spider’s web.

Your lies will stop, be reversed, no harm done.

Truth be told to remove your harmful ways of slandering

others and targeting me. Because I’m engaged to your ex-girlfriend

you don’t like it. Your jealousy drives you on to do your deeds,


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revengelovejilted boyfriendengagedfucking his bird lol





You are my crane fly who flutters

on gossamer thin crystal wings,

turning to face the sun as you go through the air.

Now I see your beauty as strong and as delicate,

now that you are my girl.

We enjoy life at our own steady pace

doing our own little bit having a laugh.

I see you smile, your face lightens

in the midday sun as you look i...

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I know a girl who is such a babe.

She walks down the street looking really cool,

not caring who looks at her ample curves.

You can’t have her coz she is mine

but I don’t mind you looking

but please don’t touch.

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Scotland, beautiful land, land of the sky, clouds
hugging your mountains, mist in the glens.
Deep black lochs full of mystery and monsters,
age-old secrets for very few to find.
Everyone can see the beauty of this land,
next to England but a million miles away.
Once we were enemies but now friends,
a country with so many moods and colours,
the sky, timeless in her ...

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I sense that you are near me,

close enough to touch, right now.

In my mind.

No one else can see you next to me

but I do. As we are now,

we once were in reality

at some time in our history.

Your spirit never leaves me

and your ghost forever haunts me,

your love is my saviour intertwining

me in your spiders web of hearsay.


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Black and orange butterfly flies zig zag pattern over a river dodging speedy dragonflies, low over the water at mad angles. Sense of speed beyond all else. Movement pure and simple. Past dragonfly territory, over the rocky river bank. Looking, searching for what? Something. What?

Feel a little tired. Land on a rock to rest, blur of flapping wings before a halt. Nice to c...

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nice poemlovepeacehappinesstogether

taiwan poems

Around and round we danced in an exotic Asian club to pounding alternative music. Who said they couldn’t party? Like it’s their, our, last night on earth. Little did we all know that this prophecy was true? One night if fun with a Taiwanese lady, only dancing you understand. They are not like western ladies. On and on we danced feeling alive, when we kissed it was like fire of t...

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met a nice gothgal and also could have been killed 30/7/11



After a varied night out where I met varied people including a Welsh Goth in Satan’s hollow, I returned home. Loaded up with 8 pints of beer and kebab and chips, I did the half an hour two mile walk home from trouble filled Oldham. Don’t want any kicking off at 3:30am. Making my way past the park, it happened. I saw 4 Asians walking down the middle of the road. I finishe...

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lovedeathmy life

a nice moving poem, my most touching in over a decade

a nice moving poem on some1 who made me happy:)

for a very special lady who brought some nice times and made me smile and happy. i remember and dedicate this poem to you, once my gothic gal. be well my friend:)


While going to see a heavy metal band Evil Beneath, he met a soulmate on the bus, he almost never went coz he had so little cash...

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