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missiles (Remove filter)

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Karma Kill

Karma Kill

I wanna see 2 jet fighters go air to air.

Trying to kill each other.

Full range of weapons.


Beyond visual range.

Dodge the missile volley.


Short range heat seekers.

Get past that.


Guns baby...

Knife fight in a fucking phone box.


Helmet mounted sights, off bore sight missiles.



of pilot and jet.


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ultimate dog fightjet fightersmissilesgunswarskypilotsdeath





The Goddess of war makes her stand in the upper skies,

pitting man and machine in deadly battle.

Hazy colours of blue and grey make way for burning

fire and pyres of smoke.

Up here she knows no mercy as men die

in a second to please her lust for death.

No one can beat her as she is immortal and ubiquitous.

Make just one mistake and she’ll ...

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