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Hoop Jumping Writers

Hoop Jumping Writers
The writers have to jump thru hoops
Like trained pet dogs for a biscuit
The biscuit is a publishing deal
Or poem in print or online story
The publisher says jump
The writers ask how high?
Have you ever seen jumping writers?
The funniest sight you’ll see
All jumping together jump jump jump!
Jumping thru hoops to get in print
Doing anything for a deal
Some even leap ...

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dream 111111

The dream the dream the dream! I write like Liz Hand. The dark underbelly of the city. Not just people dying. All of it. Every city has one. All are the same. The dark 3am beat. Put my poem in your book. My dream of it. An artist painting an artist painting an artist  painting an artist... 


The big young potentially dangerous Russian stood in front of me. He thought what he had to say is i...

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What is it like to be jailed for writing songs?

What is it like to be locked up for having an opinion?

What is it like to want freedom and say you want it?

What is it like to actually do something about it, your lust for freedom?

What is it like to stand up for your opinions and be jailed?

For four and six years.

In some cases, a dozen.

What is like...

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my new poem book co written with Mel Grobler

new epub version of Mel and my new poem book... normal book



Heartbreak (by Mel)                                                                                                                    

Why, why ...

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nick armbristermel groblerpoetryjoint projectwritingnew 2013 book





The tall oak trees stand strong and powerful around the old churchyard.

The season is winter and there are no leaves on the trees.

Cold touches everything, especially the sheltering rooks in their nests atop

the massive oaks.

These birds have nested here for years, ever since the Brontë sisters lived

and died at Howarth.

I hear the rooks cry and I...

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hmmm is this about me...





All he ever wanted to do was to improve his life, make a better life for himself and not be a lazy freeloader. Certain people thought he'd never make it; this view rubbed off on him through time and really depressed him. He was determined to show them they were wrong, that he wasn't lazy and could prove something to first himself, then them and finally the world.


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poems from my complete 15yr poem collection (free download for a bit)

this book is a huge 600pages of mad rampaging stunning poems by nick armbrister, 15yr of work 1996-2011 as hard copy for sale and free download, go get it lol for a short time. a real door stoppers lol.




Scotland, beautiful land, land of the sky, clouds

hugging your m...

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poetrynick armbristerfree download15 yearscollectionwriting

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