The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Today When She Looks Back

Today When She looks Back

its not just the Bad memories But

the good times and the Dreams they shared.

Today When She looks Back

She could see the face that used to hold her breath

The voice which always so much Cared.

Today When She looks Back

its not just the sorrow and tears

she could still hear his voice in the momemnt of cheers.

Today When She looks Back

that cur...

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You are so difficult to understand

Its not easy, to know what I want

cause its not easy to say what is inside

cause its not easy to forgive u for ur sins

and its not easy to let go of everything.


Mercy, and compliacated it all appears

Never would have let myslef here

Though, stil, I am ready to jump once more

cause sometime u are more than enough than the whole lot.


But I still cannot let go of few...

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