The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 38 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.

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I know my time coming soon 
So that’s why I just go with the move 
I hope when it comes i go asap
That’s why I don’t stress no get back m
I hop when they hit me they hit all of that 
Shoot me in the head & stomach I want them to make sure I’m dead
I hope I don’t survive I don’t wanna be saved 



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No Love

Why you do me so wrong 
Why you shit on me all day long 
U do me dirty like a damn tampon 
Haven’t heard from you all day long 
Like cmon 
Look at the shit u be on 
U do me like a damn peon 
What type of love is this 
Why you gotta put me thru this


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Not The Same

So much pain I try to keep it tamed 
We grew up different we not the same
The shit u do is fine the shit I do draw the line
Yo family there when u fall 
My family flat out don’t care 
U had everything 
I had to jugg everything 
I guess sometimes life ain’t fair 
It’s more to me then a ugky face with long hair 
Always been small but ion have fear 
Some nights I couldn’t sleep 
Many night...

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