The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 38 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Can tell

Can tell
Give me your heart, you lied from the start 
Looked in ya eyes ain what you want 
I can telll James got ya heart 
That’s who you wanted it from the start 
Cut me off, youn wanna talk 
Let me die you could just walk 
Really had the key into my heart 
Why you wanna do me this when I’m soft 
All in my thoughts 
Left me dying, now it’s my fault 
Lonely in a empty lo...

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I gave my all into this dhit 

I put everything I had into this bitch 

Just to get chewed up

Left dying,crying, lying in a ditch 

Painful eyes from crying 

Lonely nights, I was dying 

For all the times, I was coming up and could only afford to feed you; and not myself 

This for all the ones I left, even when u couldn’t let me be myself 

I put myself on the shelf just so u co...

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Why they have my back on the wall 

When my heart was pure, I loved all yall 

Imagine the one you loved, be the reason you fall 

Imagine putting everybody weight on your shoulder 

And they applaud when u fall 

Imagine being so lonely and broken, with no one to call 

Imagine ...

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Life ain’t play fair 

Prob be the reason why I can’t pay my fare

But somehow I still stayed loyal and fare 

I always tried to get it my own,

Just so I could pay my fare 

I’m down 20 to 30 in the middle of nowhere 

My heart ache

The pain I just wish I could shake 

I wish me and my bm 

Could just relate 

Plz Britt 

Don’t think I’m gonna be a bad parent 

Just becau...

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Too deep

I really wish I went to college 
I can’t believe I trusted that bitch
But was it love or just a lack of knowledge 
Shit hurt my heart seeing my big brother 
Cuff a bitch that had mileage 
He went to jail, she told him I tried to fuck ha
Ian even have no money 
So ion even know why the butch was lying 
Niggas buy anything a bitch tell em when they in jail  
But damn big Jevo Ian even have ...

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you know how it go(freeform)

pull out thre trigger u know how it go 

call up lil leek cuz he still got that 4

when I'm down bad I do not got nopbody

release all my problems when I drink this bottle 

still fucking hoes man I just fucked this model 

nobody know about all of my problems 

call up tequila u know she gon solve it 

I wanna stop drinking but I got nobody 

I try to reach out but they always dec...

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painlovehateparentsSelf-doubtaddictionalcoholalcoholicsubstance abusealonedepressionpoetry2019drug abuselonelynessangerregretsuicide

Wished I knew

Be with me if I got it all
Stay with me if I lose it all
Catch me if I fall
Be my rock so I can stand tall
Stay with me through the bad and good times
I promise you we gone get it together and ball
Don’t tell your friends our problems
People close be the ones that want you to fall
You just told me you love me
I know It’s not love it’s lust
You just glad you finally fucking me
You won’t ...

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I left yo love in a cell 
My momma screaming 
Imma go to hell 
But see fuck that 
She ain’t even pay my bail 
Tired of feeling like shit 
Always feeling like I failed 
Mf that I know I failed 
Steadyin going to jail 
But I’ll never tell 
Never been loved 
Can’t you tell 
Give them my heart 
Just for them to bail
A lot of pain in my heart 
So don’t ask me why I yell
I know umma go t...

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I thought....

I swear I miss u 
I even wrote a Boone about u 
In 2016 I was willing to die bout u 
It was a high even when I lye next to u 
I swear I would lie for u 
Babygirl yo love was strong 
I knew you’ll die for me 
I’m depressed ,I’m back drinking 
I know you probably like 
“Wtf is he thinking” 
But when I’m drunk i just be pacing 
When I’m high I be contemplating 
I wish the love would’ve la...

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I know my time coming soon 
So that’s why I just go with the move 
I hope when it comes i go asap
That’s why I don’t stress no get back m
I hop when they hit me they hit all of that 
Shoot me in the head & stomach I want them to make sure I’m dead
I hope I don’t survive I don’t wanna be saved 



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I never lied I never cheated 
Never put my hands on it 
Her cat the only thing I’m beating 
I told you I loved you 
I showed you the meaning 


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No Love

Why you do me so wrong 
Why you shit on me all day long 
U do me dirty like a damn tampon 
Haven’t heard from you all day long 
Like cmon 
Look at the shit u be on 
U do me like a damn peon 
What type of love is this 
Why you gotta put me thru this


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I thought

How u go do a ni$$& like that 

How u go stab a ni$&@ inna back 

Thought that you really loved me like that 

F@$& yo spine I had ya back 

Now I’m looking forward I ain’t going back

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Lovecheatpainbreak upokay

Not The Same

So much pain I try to keep it tamed 
We grew up different we not the same
The shit u do is fine the shit I do draw the line
Yo family there when u fall 
My family flat out don’t care 
U had everything 
I had to jugg everything 
I guess sometimes life ain’t fair 
It’s more to me then a ugky face with long hair 
Always been small but ion have fear 
Some nights I couldn’t sleep 
Many night...

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What if I fail 

What if everything that I hope to accomplish 

Becomes reality 

What if I really be on mtv 

Would that  change a “U don’t mean shit to me” 

To you mean the most to me 

Let me stop 

Let me pause 

I never did good 

So I never got a round of applause 

Always found myself behind bars 

For not following the laws 

It seems crazy I always wanted...

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lovedepressiondeadcarelonelyforgivedoubthateself esteem

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