Penally Viagra
I went to Penally and,
caught down poems,
from the land, and the sea, and the sky,
A Viagra for the lack of words,
When words from life run dry.
Sunday 29th January 2017 8:59 am
Bags of Shite
Penally beach path
Black plastic dog shit bags,
Strewn with carless abandon
‘Gainst clear, blue sky
And cold, fresh breeze,
A black stain,
Tarnish on the Pembrooke,
beauty ways,
You inconsiderate
selfish, dog shit vandal,
lacking sense,
where sensitivity should engage your being,
Amongst such
elemental wonder.
Monday 23rd January 2017 5:15 pm
Turn Of The Tide
Low ripples creep in eager waves,
Reclaiming grains of wind-blown sand,
To lay them flat within the damp, cemented matrix,
By degree, each one,
In exposed space,
Is over-run,
Again with water weight,
Where fine currents caress and roll,
The grains that had once been free.
Sunday 22nd January 2017 9:22 pm
The Extent Of The Tide
And so I walked the full extent of the tide,
To where once-fronds of bladder wrack lie,
Fallen branches where air balloons find their specific gravity awry,
A rippling sandscape sculpt by rolling water,
Carpeted with greening algal strands plumose in the quiescent remaining pools,
Seagulls at the edge,
Scouring newly exposed beach,
Beneath the dark-faced island.
Saturday 21st January 2017 6:14 pm
Before The Tide
Bright sunshine falls across grass fountains,
Sparkling against the dark green sod,
And dune crakes chorus their fishwife chatter,
Conversation with talking but no listening,
Sweet trill and chaff and coarse, guttural croak,
Pervades the furrowed dunes,
Whilst sea falls in wavelets upon the shore,
At pre-turn flat sea,
Beneath the dark faced island.
Friday 20th January 2017 5:35 pm
How Evil Is The Mind Of Man
How evil is the mind of Man,
To do the things, as we all can,
Our evolution and history to refuse,
With inhuman profanity and abuse.
The nazis, to the Poles and Jews,
Set a raging firestorm loose,
They laughing, gay with callous calm,
Teased and tortured with unremitting charm,
Destroyed race and ravaged life,
Gorged upon others agony and strife,
To plant their o...
Thursday 19th January 2017 3:03 pm
Responsibility is an evil friend,
It won’t let you walk away less you offend,
You stop and serve – your duty do,
For the benefit of those who would spit on you,
and for those you know in need,
and, for those who helped you indeed,
Responsibility is an evil friend,
It will destroy you in the end.
I’ve be...
Wednesday 18th January 2017 4:20 pm
The Couple
They stand,
In their elder days,
absorbing view of sea, of sky, of sand,
of bird, of wave of weed,
Sky to the horizon,
Looking forward,
Peace, a shroud of the land,
surrounding them,
enshrining them,
At peace together in
their Elder Days.
Monday 23rd May 2016 10:09 pm
The Dance of The Bells
Flat chimes ring out,
As hammers beat gainst metal forged in mankind’s heat,
Singing village tunes over river and hill,
As sunlight beams burn where mist lingers still.
The call rings out from hamlet village and town,
We are here, know us by this resound,
Like feral packs at bay sounding out,
The familial call of belonging-metal signals about.
Then the bell dance ...
Tuesday 3rd May 2016 5:54 pm
Psycho-babble, doggy paddle
They tell me that my sandwiches are,
a pointless phrase,
by a box designer,
image re-definer,
‘Made by hand’, would do for me.
(which means someone grafted, to learn the apprenticed skills, to do a trade,
made in centuries to perfection),
but a sarnie,
put on bread,
by a plastic gloved,
...Tuesday 3rd May 2016 12:41 pm
In the morning
make sure I calculate
Flat packet grains compress
into calibrated measure,
To be levelled
then dispensed,
With milk added to twice the degree,
Placed in microwave,
A minute of vibrational rotation.
Returned for half the spell of time.
Seed topping on the milky mass,
Monday 18th April 2016 7:21 pm
Gravity Waves
It’s so nice to receive your greeting,
From so far away,
I’ve often felt you tickle,
As Earth and Moon do play.
But I suppose cus you’re mostly constant,
And tugging at my feet,
It’s easy to ignore you,
And not feel your heavy beat.
You make such a big impression,
Fine grains in vast clouds you entrap,
And enormous globes entwine and swirl,
At your magic ...
Sunday 14th February 2016 9:28 am
Aberaeron (after the storm)
Surging urging, brown, dense molass,
Upheaving through harbour gap,
Foaming deluge broken, unspent,
Over angular boulder castlement,
And with weighty mass continuing on,
To swell and play,
Mongst boats,
In harbour,
From the upwelling foray.
Sunday 7th February 2016 8:54 pm
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