Amid the Ruins
These fallen facades proudly carried names;
Companionship, Liberty, Shaking Hands,
Deserted and feared due to Safety’s blames,
Leaving ruins where a lonely door stands.
Masked by “Hand, face, space” on tatty A4
Silvered number herald the year to come
Time provides, as it always has before,
A hopeful mirage where before was none.
The threshold heralds no obvious change
...Friday 15th January 2021 11:26 pm
Worth The Wait
Around the world turns with hurried paces,
Sped by such presently urgent intent,
Metered by spinning hands upon faces,
Feeble or frantic, to varied extent.
That world spins about my adopted seat,
Dictated by ticking, blurred by the rush,
While I simply watch, no weight on my feet,
My eyes show no stress, my face feels no flush.
External, I hear not each ticking be...
Tuesday 22nd December 2020 12:07 pm
Neither the silver nor gold are tarnished,
Cradled by velvet and shut fast within
Proud symbol, symbolically banished,
Burnished no more with the oil of my skin.
Never discarded, but exiled from breast,
As knowledge fractured the edge of belief
Context warred against allegory’s best
A ritual removal granted relief.
No gold can represent carpenter’s creeds
No mo...
Tuesday 17th November 2020 7:51 pm
Twisted Roots
Alone stands modern man, product of products for
Hair, skin, white-teeth, tan; ethos came shop bought and canned.
Artificed for ease of use synthetic fibres force away
Weather’s organic abuse, like a magnet repellent to life.
Even here, in this place where the pace of life slows into seasons,
Time and space to replace c...
Thursday 5th November 2020 10:45 pm
The Archive
Particles of dust swirl in the lamplight
Distant footfalls echo, muted by time,
Artifice alone is giver of sight,
Moments marked only by resonant chime.
Shelves stand bulging with catalogued memory,
Recent or stored for employment’s intent.
Lost, sacrificed to time transitory,
Older sheaves left sprawling; their shelf life spent.
Dusty cracked piles of sepia and g...
Monday 2nd November 2020 11:51 am
Once Wooded Streets
Set down the suit, remove the shoes
Lose the socks and like new peruse
The grass between each toe.
Let the light, as giver of life
Flow over and caress the skin,
Warming without and healing within;
Find peace among the leaves.
Heart exposed, in feeling know
There is much more here than eyes can show,
Look past the brown and green
To realms unseen, where happiness...
Sunday 1st November 2020 11:36 am
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