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paradise (Remove filter)

Bending reality

Your own mind is yours to keep,
as long as you don't decide to follow the sheep,
Start bending all reality, this will give you your own normality,
Dance in your own style and you will stand out a mile,
Sing songs where ever you go and put on your own one man show,
Do what you want, will make you full of glee,
Then you will find you will be absolutely free,
Freedom is a state of mind and thi...

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MINDdancingfreedomcontentmentparadiseheart and soulgoalenjoying your life no matter what.

The Nucleus

If you find love for the duration,
This you may find will benefit every nation,
It begins with the nucleus,
And that nucleus is me,
All I want out of life is a cigarette and a cup of tea,
Anything more would be great,
But we must rid the world of hate,
Love is the answer to all things,
If you have true love then you will live the life of a king,
There will be justice for all,
And if you ...

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Hello All You Heroes

My knowledge of life is second to none,
When almost everyone in this world their wits have gone,
Stupidity is their game and genius is my name,
No-one can hold a candle to me,
Because against all odds my mind is totally free,
I sing songs when I want to this stops me from feeling blue,
I am always there for a laugh and a joke and a bottle of coke,
I think quickly on my feet,
A more fantast...

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freedomgeniusIntellectual manloveparadiseheroes.

I will show you paradise

Come with me and I will show you paradise,
Leave behind those who are as cold as ice,
Bring in the sun and let it shine,
Then one day soon you could be mine,
I will sing some songs to gladden your heart,
Then with little luck we will never part,
Love is happiness and happiness is love,
It will be just like a perfect hand fitting a perfect glove,
Good luck to all you lovers out there,
Who ...

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The fall and rise of paradise.

Positive energy should come from within,

That is the only way to begin,

Climb your mountain bit by bit,

It's the only way to get you out of shit,

The first step is the hardest,

The second is a little easy,

But the third step could make you bright and breezy,

When you find you have risen to your first destination,

You may have words to give to the nation,

Carry on what yo...

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