Daydream of an Italian Paintbrush
Champagne explosion dress spouting
Zinffy-flavored wine
Thro the blue ball corridor
Evanescing fruit-dancers perfumed honey-pine
Waiting lovers paused ‘round the column fount
Nazi bombers floating clouds over portico tops
Smacking lips ‘pon newly-wed meat
Gossamer shirttails in airplanes caught racking
Machine propellers from down yonder tile square
Crowd suculated levit...
Tuesday 13th January 2015 3:19 am
Cyanide Blues
You took my heart as if
You took my once-un-virgined-clit
You rounded me off polished glass-blown
You rocked me to sleep
You sent to me down in the deep
A wilted petal from a bug-infested tree
As I laid below your living room windowsill
Where I peered you talking quiet still
Me rotting leaves brown into my naked back
Unto the dawn that never ejaculated fully
Sky too o...
Friday 9th January 2015 4:00 am
Sweeter Than Any Wine
No, I'm not doing a thing tonight
She uttered to her red dress
Carelessly caressing the wind
The man in the pinstripe twisted
Her brown curl with a sly smirk
Then walking down the hill glanced one last time
At the 'v' fold of her skirt
And those chubby knees scarred
By worn nylons
After the dusk had mellowed to black
Twice over and brought up a new morn
Thursday 11th December 2014 11:52 pm
Marriage and Her Lover
Who is Law to say what we are?
Her young eyes quoted in his embrace
Indeed, my dear
We are God
Thursday 11th December 2014 2:37 am
Null and Void
Prudence claimed his magic pen
Could save the human ‘kind’
By writing when
You had a thought a twirled it in twine
Ivory letters to be ebonied with truth
For the sweetest syllables to woo and forsooth
But no one sold you at the seal
The pen, its magic; you made no deal
As now I string my papers in a stack
I sure wish I could have my money back
Thursday 11th December 2014 2:36 am
About Falling In Love Without You
In a balloon I float past the courier
On a tall sand dune he stretches and blows
The writ of a sealed letter
Your dry mouth stamped like the night we eloped
No rings attached but
Two cats on a fence one jumping down
And I'm carried helpless by your amused coughing
Because I always refused to have 'love'
In any title
Thursday 4th December 2014 5:31 am
A Mozart Afternoon
Rather than beshrew with a stake drove
Beating through her immortal blood-welling heart
I took her uptown to a nosey French café
She sat fiddling with her crisp pale napkin
Under the checkered table cloth
And noticed not a thing
As they all looked past us among the mountain scenery
And the chef personally replenished her plate
Every thirty minutes
She cared n...
Friday 28th November 2014 4:02 am
Naivety On A Walk
Siberian foaming gurgles locked to the fount
Blue glass muffled gray
To tie my hands beneath the waning sun
Skin to peel silent when passers-by
Look like snow-rotten flowers
Tuesday 25th November 2014 11:58 pm
Not Home No More
Chatter of clapping feet on rain
Wooden legs yearning trembling dresses
Falling, shattering
His glasses empty
Upon brunette floorboards
Now all the same
Tuesday 25th November 2014 11:54 pm
Aces Always Guilt-black
Dark dresses held above
Kings and queens
Strutting around their
With clad-iron shackles
They slip
Chains around the nobles' knees
As heads tumble
Off the white
And every joker is laughing
Because in solitaire
We play ourselves
With an ace up our sleeve
Tuesday 25th November 2014 11:53 pm
Hats on Faces In A Street
I feel sick like God
Every wax-wick figure blows and sways
Tuesday 25th November 2014 11:51 pm
Made In Correspondence
My cat, beside me takes up
And I say that although
It isn't true
Because it sounds better
Than sitting alone
A year or two of empty
Lunch table
Brown shit chairs
With cold legs
That stare back at you
Evil experience of your lunch-face
While me and my PMS Lucifer
Lay comfortably on the edge
Feet curled up on the wood holding
A lumpy matt...
Wednesday 27th August 2014 5:05 am
Her Ivory Skin
Her ivory skin I ne’er saw nor touched
She being very real appeared to me
On a screen of black and white sound;
A mere photograph moving
Coerced by the lightest of dark magic
I have seen her as many characters
I have seen her and grown old
When I was a child her thin limbs and black hair
Attracted me in each role
Against her I am but a disgrace to my gender
Sunday 27th July 2014 4:42 am
window dreaming
glaring stiff
out the window
away from the raincoats
dangling my legs over
contemplating jumping
but no one wants to see
my dress above my knees
lightning never
struck me down-
pretty good at that
not enough rods
to feel safe
from this morbid persona
humiliate and mutate me
human words are all the same
existing in forms
...Thursday 24th July 2014 9:49 am
pink clouds not from a dream
I tell myself to stay
no, don't move your feet
don't become so
they swirl
around my naked figure
my feeble mind to be
soft luxury
in sweeping motions
turning over
next to you
in the face of sleep
cotton-candy-pink skin
Wednesday 23rd July 2014 6:59 am
lipstick sick
clown face in the
bathroom mirror
seven years old
and kissing my best friend
in her bathtub
mother in the guest bedroom
dressing up
dressing out
of sparkling purple
and gold
necklaces out-running
our bodies
behind a locked door
and after years of
Monday 21st July 2014 3:40 am
a cinematic beauty
it was late
glistening reflections
of cinematic beauties
on my black
he was waiting
an hour away by
in that country community
of broken metal yards and
trash can houses
in a dark
dog-hair living room
I stumbled on the exit
midnight behind me
hands on my lower back
curves and
Monday 21st July 2014 2:36 am
gear shift lady in black
she motioned towards the fruit
and the strawberries
ripe in form
skinny and bones
if I got close
and pot
would swivel like
a sad chair
I only pretend to be
this lady-
lace bra
silk panties-
rubbing against infinities
from assholes to
and waiting
to be the psycho I usually
Monday 21st July 2014 2:06 am
not clean enough for the cleanly
I may not be a towel-boy
I sure as hell am a towel
Satan has no washing machine
no river to clean his rags in
no extra v-cards
he lusts for them greedily
you probably think you understand
what I am getting at
but really
that is only a passing fancy
does not know when
to let me go
signing my signature
not clean enough
for the...
Wednesday 16th July 2014 7:57 am
here's to not looking at you
arms around your neck
never thought
went both ways
and arms
and back
never stopping
walking past the two
blinking red lights
halfway between
your bedroom and
apart from the humor,
the shy-
we are not you
you probably do not
towering but meseley
above youthf...
Wednesday 16th July 2014 6:53 am
selling ourselves
animals in high heels
sent through space and
no one sees the heels
but everyone
in the side
in the head
words make enough of
the picture
but pictures make it
fudging our
to impress other
avid fuckers
we all feel
just a bit whore-ish
but we embrace this new
day and
but we fudge on ...
Saturday 12th July 2014 9:26 pm
ate my heart
convulsing on the side of the road
sad ass on the thin white
like the thin white
will walk away with another
if I walk back home
every time you become
that other girl
another one
walks away with your
thin white line
so I sat for an
hour or so
that one Thursday
wishing that asshole
Andrew would want to sit
with ...
Saturday 12th July 2014 1:26 am
from the other side of the garage door
when I was five I had
to tiptoe
from the point
where the couch ended
and where the garage door
our new wood floors
my father laid
(he was so very angry that day
when I asked for a peanut butter
and jelly sandwich)
paid little
to my need for silence
I was so tiny
Sunday 6th July 2014 11:50 pm
what the grass couldn't do for me
the man on the motor
outside my window-
black as day
is my father
I wonder politely what
the grass did to
nothing he could have
to me
nothing he could have done
nothing different
nothing like that night
when I was five
and didn't want to be
in a dark room
like the one I
inhabit now as I copy down my
...Friday 4th July 2014 7:14 pm
shit for a penny
I was hibernating in
a room
I didn't appreciate for a while
and I didn't think moving
would cause such sarcastic banter
in me
but I laid there
guiding my eyes away from the
objects they wanted to see
and always watched for
a delivery came through
washing needed to be done
I sarcastically told her
she was needy
being human and h...
Wednesday 2nd July 2014 6:43 pm
My Socks Are Wet
And I thought it was the opposite
Of dropping bombs
Elegant cascades of nothing
Overused magic tricks slighting
My eyes in your direction
Standing against you
Back to the rain
Neck dripping white petals
Of Lucifer's tears
I ask
Do you know why
My socks are wet?
You knew it was all
Fine and dandy
That I would do anything
If you had looked thr...
Tuesday 24th June 2014 2:55 am
I Guess You Could Call Me Lucky
I will not walk the streets
Handing out flyers
To strangers
To make quite sure they know
I once loved you
If I am anything but
I am awake at all hours
To shoo away the flies
Buzzing at my brain
I deny my body what it is
Made of
And I sometimes piss blood
In honor of your leaving
Monday 23rd June 2014 10:50 am
By the Time I Found You
Two dogs on a porch
Talking nonsense
Animal sounds and infusions
Of lustful wondering
I turned red and then
I turned to you
The graceful day of sitting
Lost of grace
All the same we stood
Days and hours passed
Between a few places here and there
Mostly nowhere-
The dogs were fed
They came around every other da...
Monday 23rd June 2014 10:00 am
He cannot feel with his eyes
The pearls around her pale neck
On the cotton fibers weeping
Gentle breaths up and down
He cannot feel
The pulsating sink of every heart-aching
Of her disappointment
On those lovely days when she
He cannot touch with hands
Or ears
The clawing in her throat
To block the coming-up of golden memories
Turned gray and mocking
Friday 20th June 2014 3:51 am
Poetry In Soggy Water
My cheeks turn inside-out with the confusion-
The slighted words slipping
Ripples in the seventy-one percent
Water-filled planet
Out of that many particles
I choose the words that appear
To fit best
Voices speaking too far ahead of my
Sensory perception
But it is not me
Who should be cowe...
Thursday 19th June 2014 10:58 pm
Other Than Ours
Rain washes and soothes
Inside the tubes connected
To my blood-flow
Alphabetizing my pulses
You in the first
Watching with eyes closed
Blacking out under my smiles
And my words of tender
Waving a dance through the red
Hiding and seeking
You're there and nowhere
Over my dead body
Stone-dead stare
Losing thoug...
Thursday 19th June 2014 1:59 am
Slave labor to be done
Open books and open pages
Sticky notes and ink stains
Bed covers tilted
Humans in their words to
Meanings and sun burns
Hot in anticipation
Debussy by my side to
Help me sleep
Injecting calm
Dreams of city houses
Pink covering white
Families I do not belong in
Physical contact inching away
Schoolmates in a daze
...Tuesday 17th June 2014 10:29 pm
A life that may be,
Floating around in the ether-
In the space between the spoons
And forks
Near the dining room table
Unsanitary utensils that create
Within emotions
Vapor drifting next to me
A ghost that walks just so
Behind me
Religious revivals
Reviving in us the possibilities
Our ancestors wandered
And God shows himself more readily
Than you
...Tuesday 17th June 2014 10:28 pm
Swirling my feet in a tub of
Frozen strawberries
Ice cold relations with the
Inevitable floor
Lovely flavors do not last
The refrigerator is empty
The children are feasting
On plastic and rubber dolls
Do not forget it is all
A breath-taking scene
Us together in the park
Me on the table and you standing around
Pacing and sitting
Tuesday 17th June 2014 10:27 pm
Feet and noise and
Irreparable motion lingering
On your every word
Of silence
Men in masks
Minuscule little white mouth-pieces
Blinding angels of death
Two small children pulling
Tufts of hair from a doll
"Give it back!"
Give it back
Oh please give death back
To me
Saturday 14th June 2014 10:17 pm
Comfortably Melon
Saturday 14th June 2014 10:14 pm
Archetypal Existence
Wasted on this last pearl of liquid stench
In my nostril fills a rumor subtle on the wind
Hard against the pavement, ribs digging in
To the iron streetlamp
Jump at sounds, and startled at sounds
My eyelids flicker
Logic sees opaquely and vaguely that the world is barren
I hope my pages are still scattered in the street
A rustle reassuring at my head
Myriads of ...
Thursday 12th June 2014 4:14 am
For The Thought Of It
If it is miscommunication you seek
Tripping on the pebbles of sand at the bottomless sea
I have a riddle for your pleasure
Dissention emulating from your sickly pores
Slashing through the quaking trees
Sounds can control your limbs
And my limbs hold you tight
But where does the meaning ‘tight’ emulate from
And within emulation is there condescension
What would I be ...
Tuesday 10th June 2014 1:27 am
I see how it’s going to be
A vision reminiscent
Of dusty places waiting
For me
Clouded by the cataracts;
The cars floa...
Tuesday 10th June 2014 1:25 am
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