The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 31 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Attack

The Attack


You mentally crowd

my deepest thoughts at daylight

my wild imaginings when hours are unholy

until the daring fantasies of the night


You emotionally make

my heart throb

aching to an utmost degree

its every beat

longing for your warmth

to calm its pulsating heat


You are present

in evert corner of my mortality


You have conquered my...

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His kisses

whisper love.


I listen


his bottled up


flow out.


I trace

those words




desperately steadfast.





he quiets me

hopelessly endearing

in hushed


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Love and lustromance

Bodily Notions

The eyes are

the windows of

the soul and

        speak of words unsaid.


The mouth should

be delicate in

voicing out what

        the mind have constructed.


The nose smells

not just the

arome of one’s

kindness but the

filth he brings

        as well.


The ears audibly

reacts to the

sound of life’s

hustle and bustle.


The tongue...

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Confusion of Promises on a Blurry Canvas

We have been with each other for a number more than three which is quite well grounded for a relationship as ours.


Do we count the years to guarantee us eternity, or rather regard the conscious events that made and make us one?


I beat my brains out every so often whether your intentions remained firm during the whole time you’re with me.


You tend to lose tender attachment i...

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Love's Expounded Complexities

Love is a noun

                  in the need of finding it,

                  once found, a verb.


                  Love is a beast

                  so wild

                  haunting on its prey.


                  Love is a drug

                  leading to addiction.


                  Love is a novel

                  starting at prologue,


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You are my narcotic

                          when life’s squabbles

                          neurotically agitate me


                               You are my caffeine

                          for my diurnal cephalic pain


                               You are that nicotine

                          I take in daily doses

                          to satiate my crav...

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druggedintoxicatedrandom thoughts

I Love Thee

                    I love thee

                    for thine mortality

                    a personage ever so enticing

                    an imagery of passion


                    I love thee

                    that know no doubts

                    or any monstrosities

                    as thy love for thee

                    is breathing of each day,


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