The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 33 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

Changed directions

I want to see your face
I want to bore into your eyes
I want you to make me twirl
but I think it's too late

Why did it feel like the last dance
that I'd get before you vanish into the oasis?
Did you have to give up so soon?
I was just getting used to being
someone you called

You asked me why I didn't
take off my mask
I laughed and said that it's become a part of me
only I  knew t...

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hurtloveLetting Go

Paper cuts

Cuts from pristine crisp yellow pages 

leading to a moonlit night 

beside the waves      

with the onomatopoeia of the lapping waters 

against your feet

and the warmth from the

fire beside


Cuts from letters

not pronouncing love

but charges for services with “friendly reminder” written in red

and an occasional congratulations 

and seasonal “vote for me”s



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Rhetorical questions

What were you thinking
dear mind?, she asked
was it shattered ego, or dissapointment?
regret or sadness?
or simply emptiness?
What were you feeling
dear heart?, she asked
when you pushed a droplet 
of tart moisture
fall from the edge of the eye
when you saw the happy bride?
she asked.

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Faux Roses

Coarse dusky pink petals
sprinkled with fake crystals
promising a forever
but, smells fake...
I'd rather keep it real
even though it'll fade
in a day or mostly two,
its sweet scent will linger
forever in muse...

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lovefake lovereality


On a full moon day

would you come to me

and for single day

be mine for a while?


You need not to talk

nor smile

just sit by my side 

and stare at the sky

'cause tomorrow it'll be

a moonless sky

when you dress in a tux

and say "I do"


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Letting Golove


So it ended before it began,
but I have no regrets nor sorrows..
It's as if I knew 
deep down my heart
that it never could be
like two rail tracks that'll never meet,
like the moon and the sun that'll never collide,
a mirage in the dunes, mistaken for the oasis for a while,
a book with only a prologue and an epilogue ,
with no chapters in between..
It's not that I don't care
or don't ha...

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loveLetting Goself love

Fairytale - For V & K

An entrance to a fairytale waiting to happen,

Sweet scented flowers, second only to the story that's about to bloom,

Flickering candles mimicking twinkling stars in the dark sky,

Like the love that survived through thick and thin, dark and light...


A slow stepped waltz, opening to a dance of a lifetime,

followed by a ballad about a love that grew from childhood

and an eterna...

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loversloveWeddingmodern fairytaledestinyEternity

Thank you for the memories

As I stepped into adolescence
I used to spend hours, daydreaming,
the perfect love, the perfect life
walks among raindrops
slow stepped waltz
piggyback rides and, winks caught off guard.

Then, life happened.
the zest for life, escaped from the windows of the mind
the daydreams,  stayed dreams
belief in love simply vanished

Then you came along
with careless sweet talks
toothy grins ...

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day dreamingmemorieslove

Dream on

I met you once, by chance
but you appeared in my dreams
the very next day.
It was not happy nor unhappy
not in black and white but nor bright and colourful
(like the ones I usually see)
It wasn't unimaginable or unclear
(like most of my dreams)
It didn't change faces or continued for a longtime

I saw us at a party
you stood across the room
and suddenly turned, caught my eye and smiled

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dreamslovehopelove at first sight


Away from the crowd and rays of the sun
are the moments I cherish the most,
It is when, your wisdom
outbreaks from the dam of your lips,
which usually gurgles teases, jokes and laughter
(not intended for me, of course not)

you voice your
dreams and aspirations
painting a rainbow
on the dark night's sky,
and somewhere else aswell...

as well as your insecurities
in a sober expression...

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What COVID-19 taught me

Generosity is trapped in a photo
shared on instagram and liked by a thousand
tearing privacy into tiny shards

Emotions are sold by traders
disguised as "reporters"
and kindness has become a drug,
supreme to Tylenol

humanity is glorified as
a noun only to be used
on selected human "kinds"
that a racist can never be sobered

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Corona virushumanitykindness


The beach isn't a beach
if it sans the sea
Just a random strip of sand
scorching, dry
on a hot summer day

The night doesn't fall
till the sun goes away
paving way
for it to dazzle
in its own way

Am I the night
that needs the sun
to dissappear,
to mark my presence
or simply the beach
which will be nothing without the sea?

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doubtemotional paindepression

The Tattered Umbrella


Moonbeam fades
and dark clouds invade
raindrops fall at the
rain soaked feet..
The umbrella of friendship
tattered with holes
refuse to protect me today..

Thoughts run back
to another dark night,
where it rained as fiercely as now..
Yes, I was soaked, that day too
not from the umbrella- yet not tattered-
but from trying to protect a friend
from the cascading rain..
The raindro...

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loss of friendshiplove

Turn back the clock

I wish I could
turn back the clock
rewind the time
not think too much
live in the moment and
let the rest
fall into place.

Turn back time,
dance all night
under the starry lights
and pour my heart out.
Instead of turning my back
to destiny.. and you.

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love and time passinglove


Pitter patter of the rain
used to remind me of,
muddy shoes and smelly toes..
But now, it reminds me of,
easy conversation,
merry laughter
& a journey I could have

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The moon

"you" are the distant moon
Bright and shiny
yet, so far...away

and I'm the tide,
your smallest change
cause turmoil in me

What I forgot, is that,
the moon is destined
to love the pretty stars
not the distant earth
which is so close, yet,
so far...

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unrequited lovesorrowlife



Sitting in the exam hall,
mind bogged ;
with ratios, equations and curves,
I looked around in agony
to find a reason to continue,
just in time,
to find the invigilator roaming nearby,
carrying a stack of paper, with one hand.

I looked at him to find traces of,
misery, anger and hopelessness.
a kind, encouraging smile
is what I got.
Which alone was enough
to ge...

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couragedeterminationinspiring poems

The little tea plucker

The cold breeze brushed my cheek,
The cold wind brushed my hair,
The air was filled with the aroma of
Sweet flowers,
I saw her..

A girl of eight years (close age)
stood in front of me.
So close, yet, so far..
We stared at each other dumbstruck .
She was wearing a ragged dress with darts everywhere (where I wore jeans)
with tangled hair,
she stood there..

She was small, ...

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The wait

I'm missing you..

like the sea misses the shore,

Like the mountains miss the bluebells

in the cold, 

like the earth misses the sun at night



the waves should learn

to wait till the tide is high,

& the mountains must know

to endure till spring,

& earth till the dawn arrives.


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lovemissing youunrequited love

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