The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Football

Who would have guessed that a small tree

could be so vicious. All day you had kicked

the new football back and forth against

the gable of the red brick terrace and

not even the promise of ice cream could

coax you away, until the Blackthorn spoilt the game.


That’s when you ran back, holding the thing

with your thumb pressed white against its skin.

You begged me for some...

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David ColdwellfootballMarsdenpoetry for schools

Severe Miss Gladstone

Miss Gladstone’s eyes are more severe

Than other teachers teaching here.

They swivel round then settle firm

on pupils who begin to squirm.


Like searchlights on a prison tower

Miss Gladstone’s eyes don’t look, they glower.

Not searchlights, no, more laser beams

that burn enough to make you scream.


Heads down, the class daren’t catch her eye

for fear that if they...

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poetry for schools

Could you write a children's poem?

Calling budding Michael Rosens

Could you write a poem for primary school children? As part of our new initiative - Marsden, the Poetry Village – we’ve inspired local primary schools to bring poetry even more into the pupils’ routine. Not that they took much persuading, as the schools we have spoken to so far are clear of the value and the fun of poetry for children. Marsden Junior School has cr...

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poetry for schools

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