A colourful Band
To catch a Rainbow.
Appears in all of the colours.
Grips for a moment.
Mesmerised as the
skylight fills up
through beautiful bands.
But have you gazed
long enough?
By chance,
as the bow grows duller.
Surrendering to the moody clouds,
Penetrating the beam of
Almost like a chance meet.
From a bashful greet.
Ship wrecked m...
Monday 25th July 2016 9:22 pm
One mans thoughts
A whispering wind from the south blows tonight,
A candle light flickers
In the windows
No shame?
Not one to blame!
Lost souls
Once more
A somber mood
Witnessed too much
Splitting a wound
Pained To the touch
85 lives
Too much a toll.
With love
With love
We still stand tall
With hate
With hate
To be you
pitifully small
We blow a western wind
Your way
Friday 15th July 2016 11:01 pm
Our Lives, Our Lives
The sharp sounds of popping gun shots.
The sharp reality of every shot heard
rings out to another mindless death
another mindful human being.
The gunmen hidden from view
finding it hard to relate
Hard to understand...
the gunmen's venomous hate.
Senseless killing, screams chilling.
Scrambling to escape in any route they find.
Clinging to window panes
Whilst panicke...
Saturday 14th November 2015 8:29 pm
A view from afar
The words "Jesus Christ", burst out of my mouth.
Whilst watching the daily news.
To swap the words from illegals to refugees
to change the peoples views,
with stealth...
Eyeing a Crisis that has overgrown.
A handful of dictators we have overthrown,
And yet we groan!
Sites we see such as " Britain First"
More like "Britains Thirst"...
For Blood.
Where do Britain's benefits "lies"...
Saturday 5th September 2015 9:40 pm
Winter Wandering
Wicked, wintery, wind
Recklessly, ravagaging,
raging, roaring
Camouflaged as the colours
of mother nature
Bitterly iced as the most
northern point.
Warning, whining, whistling.
Invisible to the sharpest, shooting eye
Wheezing, wandering, whipping.
Hunched over, woolley head down, shouldering
against the invisible force...
A breeze for the raging wind.
Thursday 9th April 2015 8:25 pm
brain tease
Here again with you two guys
You confidently talk
Casually leaning in...to listen
Your dark blue eyes
They shine when the light catches,
they glisten
The conversational words spoken pass through
But mix and muddle with
The words that are sinking...drowning
In the worn out cluttered head
knowingly looking zombie dead
sounding quietly dead
talking one word answer...
Saturday 3rd January 2015 9:07 pm
I'm not German But...
Well it's already started off bad.
But IF I lived in Russia
My name would be Vlad (you stereotypical basterd)
I would have time to take an iron hammer blanket
to freeze in a watchtower to spy the Ice grow
forming and joining like a secret service clan
meeting in the dead of night
discussing the nuclear plan
Oppressed by the sun light...
Quiet patriotic meets
Friday 19th December 2014 10:53 pm
No regrets
The lover I gave up
Not through choice!!
Not through being fed up
not wanting to give up
So we delt friendship
Into the deal
some say "not ideal"
At the time it seemed right
I shifted out
Times pulled tight
for the girl
I worried
For the girl
I thought hard
but not fought hard
10k away
Months drift by
they say
"times a h...
Thursday 18th December 2014 9:34 pm
Just another day
Blimey, already mis-placed my app
In the wrong place on my phone, i flap
Stumbling over the floor boards
my bro removed. mind the gap?
But we try...
We watch TV together
Brothers forever
so close, we fight together
So distant, in silence forever
But we know...
Well, a quick cigarette
Next door boy arrives
don't fret
Waiting, smoking, waiting.
Am ...
Monday 8th December 2014 8:48 pm
Onion rings
Now I have a thing for onion rings
the roundness and batter
Oh my heart sings
reminds me of polos
but softer and bigger
glad they are not minty.
I hear you snigger
But with my rings and a mayo dip
I close my eyes
Off I go on my trip
To the land of onion rings
floating though the loops
swimming through the rings
Marching with onion ring tro...
Monday 24th November 2014 11:00 pm
My mate Ben...
we meet now and then
Time ticks by
with wild times...
now and again.
Jousting the yellow or red
here and there
Best of the best?
On the table
we fare
A friendship that takes
for the strongest
to break
Only the closest
can give it a soda stream shake
alway here old friend
when you need me..
what are friends for!!
...Monday 24th November 2014 10:28 pm
Stake of the heart
A heart that hides
Hunted for...
a heart that lies
Already broken...
A heart that has loved
Over time
A heart worth loving
to match
your crime...
a heart given out
bruised and scarred
the mind...
to be fused and marred
la de dar de do de dar
Monday 24th November 2014 9:52 pm
5 years
My friend you are absent
5 years on
Fading away from your closest
who have no choice to stay strong
In the waterhole, we raise an ale filled glass
in the hole, i try to figure
try to grasp
Simple in terms
to try to understand
more complex,
to me
more grand.
Joyful Memories of times gone by
Hussled around the tables
In these awesome memories
...Friday 7th November 2014 9:06 pm
The Old Oak Door
Stumbling through the cream papered corridor
The ruby red rug shuffling under my Wholly odd socks
peppered in specks of gold
like an Alice in Wonderland dream
There is no Alice, this is no dream
The red rug ends merging to the old oak door.
Now etched in green.
Darkness awoken by the dimly lit lamp
Casting a shadow in the role of a stranger tracking their victim in the...
Sunday 26th October 2014 5:09 pm
Cowering in the hills
Distant from your tide
Within your footprint
Camouflaged from your stride
Safety thrives here
Words tell me inside
My head
Cocooned within
these four walls
Im safe here!!
Already thinking
of futuristic chores
With you
"the one"
Saturated in a safety sheet
My life is so neat
Mentally tied up
Hands behind my b...
Saturday 18th October 2014 9:51 pm
Drunken fool
Chasing bottles of Gin
Instead of You
You Think of you
So thinking of Gin
Blind drunk
Only with Gin
Maybe the wine started it
But finished by Gin
Agreeing with the senseless
Being defenceless
Maybe the wine started it
But ended
with the Gin
Solve the world in a rant
barely sufficient...scant
The wine started this
now need a ppp... wee
...Wednesday 17th September 2014 8:56 pm
Enveloped and doped
Cool it down
Cool it down
Tomorrow is a new day
Forgotten from what happened
Teasing the words
spraying out
from the shotgun mouth
Spreading through the mind with offensive words
A momentary rage
I can't see!!
What I said wrong
I can't see
I won't see!!
Ticking over
Weighing up
Scrabbling, searching
We are hurting
Wednesday 10th September 2014 11:12 pm
A million little pieces
The girl in my dreams
Broken at the seams
Torn to see
so long
In times when low
Time travels
So slow
But dreams of you creeps in
A decade past
Forgotten so fast
A message from the blue
Words connect
No need
To be select
to hold you tight
With the love
A feeling
Always wanting
Always needing
From a distance away
Saturday 6th September 2014 11:22 pm
Our home, our castle
Our country, our home
Our home, our castle
Our rules
No space for foreign shouting fools
No place for the ugly words spread
No land here
To be force fed
Never to agree
With contradicting laws
Eyes wide open
We see our flaws
No one is perfect
But we all have a right
Keep niggling away
You will see our people unite
Thursday 4th September 2014 9:24 pm
Full up
The drain, the drain
It's gurgling too much
Shit covering the grate
Now housing the land
Overflowing, no bowing
Rattling the door
no one answers
Curtains twitch
No reply
Standing back,
The shute overflowed
spreading like a disease
Watch it grow,
It flows,
It grows
Sunday 31st August 2014 12:22 am
Waking up to reality
Tripping past the newspaper
In the hall
Doors open,
The glare burn my eyes
But even the "sun"
Won't stop me getting my fix
Regretful breathing
Softens the feeling
Tiptoed on iced slate
Misty morning
Spit into the grate
No one can see
This early morning I'm free
Only in the early hours I'm free.
Saturday 30th August 2014 12:53 am
The words of God
Dragging feet in to the factory of doom
Break the security lock with the secret code
3 digits later sucked into groundhog day
Followed with "good morning, we are half way there"
Shuffling past,a forced laugh, Wishing our lives away
Low grey clouds reflects the mood within
Impending doom, a phone call soon,
Just how I imagined
Positive this appeared in my dreams
Hoping t...
Thursday 28th August 2014 9:28 pm
Only in Bangkok
At night time
This place is Sin city
One million different faces
passing by
But really all the same
The same goal
Looking up from swigging my beer
To see the blind leading the blind (literally)
The local girls
Make eye contact too long
You get offered anything
With a with a wink of the eye
I carry on supping my beer
Tuesday 26th August 2014 9:44 pm
The Dreaded Haircut
That time again
Thoughts kicking in
all week,
Pushed to the back of my mind
Mondays only early
Saturday seems such
A distance away
Springs memories
Of when I was young.
The electric chair!!
A glance away, I would Dash
Filling the corner with tears
Huddled on the stair
Trust anyone with scissors?
Not even Momma bear.
Tried it myself once
Shaped out ...
Monday 25th August 2014 8:55 pm
Mind Game
Sitting there quiet
Away from the Queen Bee
Not wanting to be the first apple to fall from the tree
Not wanting to be the sharpest thorn
Or the ripest acorn
over which the squirrels brawl
To take in to their hibernating spot
To keep them filled over the winter lash
Just to be Discarded
as an empty shell when spring has past
But to fend off the pack of wolves
Thursday 21st August 2014 11:21 pm
Big Man
Watching you take someones confidence
in a time so short
Stood back, as they curl back
Pushing them into their court
But if you can see them quiet at first
Timid to come out
Maybe in bursts
Why do you look for their weakness
To kick them back in
So they have to retreat
Back to the start
Not sure
Where to begin
Maybe this is Human nature
When someone feels...
Wednesday 20th August 2014 8:28 pm
Beautiful photos
What will always be a fragile relationship
Could always be shattered by a sharp frost
A word now and then
Brief meet as and when
Time washes away memories
Developing film in reverse
Revisiting old photos
Negatives failing
Drifting far from grasp
One choice
Take a new film
Snap an awesome
summers day
Monday 18th August 2014 10:14 pm
Oh Katy
You touch my lips
The sweet taste of you sends tingles down my spine
Your warmth strikes my heart
I feel no limits with you
Oh Katy,
All i can do is empty you
With my ever consuming greed
You send me to sleep with ease
Taking my thoughts far away
The morning you are not the same
Tippy tapping at my head
Memories of the previous night
Disappearing in a haze
Wednesday 13th August 2014 7:09 pm
In this house you are isolated
Held back from life outside
Time seems to be rushing by
and then I think of you both
Hold on tight
Maybe talk another day
Hoping that someone will pull the cord
The fear will not let you
Deemed to live this way
Washing away from each other
Further and distant with each passing day
Tuesday 12th August 2014 9:05 pm
A million miles away
The hero within the human mind
Some times a feeling of unknown takes hold
Watching from a milliom miles away
should I say
The repercussions still rattle around
from that fateful day
From the doorstep, the tongues can click
A view from inside the victorian brick
Recalling the moment time after time
powerless to stop such a hideous crime
The anger of wantin...
Monday 11th August 2014 6:58 pm
The order of the sandwich
Today is the day, Sweet savoury arrives!
Same time, sameplace
Week in, week out...
Out in force!
Hunting to fill the empty morning grumble
Time is not on our side
Lets see if we can turn this tide
as the early mornings stray
Dealing a menu, hustling around
we will always win this race
By a whisker, a hair
a distance some weeks
Names set against the abb...
Friday 8th August 2014 9:30 pm
The same but different
Well, I have to walk away
from you
searching for something more
something true
Not what you want
although i'm like you
searching for something deeper
something true
I wonder if i could tempt you
or ask if you would.
But the edge tells me
you are looking for something easy
I'm searching for something true.
Last message sent
feel the coldnes...
Friday 8th August 2014 6:29 pm
Dreams collide
Two lovers with different dreams collide.
Smashing both dreams into thousands
of little pieces.
The two lovers grow distant
Scrabbling around to piece
their dreams back together
They end up resenting
each other for the destruction.
Not realising that they could make
new dreams together.
By which time it was all too late.
Thursday 7th August 2014 10:01 pm
Big old Bertha, the weather machine has been a little bit moody lately, pissed at the Caribbean.
She is now heading across the Atlantic in a dark aggressive rage. Looking for someone or some place to condemn .
She seems to be stirring, but having a little think and calming down.
Still feeling stormy, she is heading for the UK.
Wednesday 6th August 2014 9:36 pm
Wide Awake
Shocked wide awake.
A dream that has unsettled my wellbeing, my state.
Thoughts now anchored firmly in my mind.
Unable to shake them off, i try to unwind.
Darkness overwhelms me, doubled with dreams.
My thoughts racing, my heart bursting at the seams.
Talk myself into a quiet smoke.
Thoughts lost in stars with every toke.
Wednesday 6th August 2014 8:59 pm
Wooden Bridges
The bridges are broken between our two families and the reasons for that i don't know.
For our elders are ageing, they carry the blame. For that we must show.
It is not those who to blame and carry the shame and let them feel this way.
I hope you can find it deep in your hearts, that you will understand one day.
The tick of the time, the hand and the chime. That day will be too late.
...Tuesday 5th August 2014 7:09 pm
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