The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.


Mind of Mine.

Paint a picture for the outside, must hide what’s truly inside. Communication is impossible, a skill I can’t achieve at all.A fantasist of all things great,I’m in fear again it’s much too late. 

Owned by my own mentalities, cursed via multiple insanities. Reflection leads me back to blame,For being the same old me again.

Expression is hard to control, I’m losing each and eve...

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Times a’changing


Bored of this feeling it holds no real meaning.


Unlike the feeling I get from your love now that’s a real thing. Never thought I would get here but it’s now  so very clear.


I’ve grown and out grown this old desire. It no longer excites the alluring fire. This side of life I no longer admire. I seek new heights to take me higher.


I feel strong but not wasted. I apprecia...

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Evening hustle


I see Stars intruding locations between clouds in Misty formations. Trains chudder by as I gaze upon the first and last of tonight’s night sky. I gaze around so aimlessly and am always asking why. 


Distractions must enter and take me away. Allow me to see the beauty of each day. 

Taking me back to this moment right here. 


As the wildlife of this evening starts to becomes al...

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March 20th 28

Life is growing lonelier every day that passes


I’m just a slave to my fateful soul and it’s inevitable searches.


Spiralling on deeper down and forever tumbling aimlessly around. I can’t seem to put both these feet of mine on the forbidden ground.


If only my thoughts and my life could be safely contained once found. I would then progress and could grow to that magical higher...

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emotionquestionsreal life


Mind is stuck in an everlasting illusion.


 I’m trying to balance such ruthless confusion. But again it’s one down to the always winning intrusion.


Weaker and weaker I start to become as I slip beneath life’s Almighty thumb. 


In turn I get thrown around until my emotions reach that proposed  numb. 


I then start to wonder how all this speculation of mine begun. 



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social anxiety

2021 Panfusion


It feels like the world has stopped in its usual tracks. Evidently deepening all existing cracks.

Prior acceptance to daily life is altered. Causing vibration to all that was taught to us. 

The new is the unknown and previous certainty a distant memory. 

A memory of which we fight and clutch tight too. A faded interpreted dream, our only prayed for virtue.

I feel a inhumane pres...

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Pandemicuncertaintybrain foganxiety

What’s next?

Why am i so happy so content with being. What am I missing what am I not seeing. I’m not used to this feeling and it’s rather addictive, makes me start to appreciate each moment I live. It’s unusual to me, an unknown territory, clearly must be my selected destiny. 


It’s deceiving what my mind makes me believe in. Its harsh all of what my eyes have seen. All the places I’ve already been. Co...

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IntrigueWonderreal life

Dark side Drug Ride

Dark side Drug ride


Natural pain now overrides all illegal chems submitted. I’m now confident with this habit I’ve admitted. 


If writing makes me feel good I should do it, if singing means so much why aim so hard to lose this touch


Lyrics in music become more relatable, you become what you hear. You surrender your soul and let go of established fear.


Where is the fi...

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Addiction but why?

Why do all the greatest ideas arise after illegal consumption. Why does fate always suggest such a temptation. 


It’s exhausting the provided short lived excitement. Aiming to throw our reality of its alignment. 


Time starts to have no logical meaning. it starts to no longer seem to exist. The struggle is a twisted game you fail to resist.


It’s unnatural what my body is now ...

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addiction obsessionstrugglequestioningworthmore to lifeinner strength

24 View

Moving on to a new chapter, time is passing even faster. Upwards and away from the usual disaster.
All alone and gonna make it, this unfornate cycle I'm gonna break it. All the bliss I'm gonna take it, no longer have to fake it.

I'm me and I'm free, time is mine and I'll let it be. I don't need love and I don't need praise. The past was only an unlucky phase. Life is confusing I've always been...

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Lifeagehurtreal life

Dreaming Love 2016

So many thoughts that swirl around my mind, this feeling I've captured I dreamed to find.

It flooded in by a destined fate, the time had come after an unknown wait.

The moment we've now captured was overdue, naturally we entwined and knew what to do.

The days pass us by and the feelings grow high, the realness that shines creates an eternal tie.

I've never believed in the concept forev...

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Love’s presence 16

How I feel I can't find the words or ryhmes. Wouldn't be enough paper, wouldn't be enough lines. It started by means of nature and magical fate, a perfect time, an unforgettable date. You've taken my heart, my mind and my soul. Everything I knew and believed  I've parted and let go .

 I want it all, I want us to grow, I need to trust, I need to know. Your eyes take me to a content home of dream...

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Aspire or desire


One last blow out. 

One last crucial hit.

A delightful dream which is

way out of the desired grip.


Every repetition of this addictive action

Every summon to this predicted slip.

Each time over and over again

Causes our precious belief to slowly rip.


The belief is to quit and seek much further beyond.

The truth that we desire of which we have oh so longed.


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