The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 14 days, 4 hours. Get details and Enter.

Memorial Day in Moscow

The lump of rock glistens in the damp, cold city
Set on a raised plinth in Lubyanka Square.
Its very presence mocks the infamous building opposite
Shouting defiant curses at those who once ruled this land.

            Kokarev, Alexander Danilovitch, 30 years old.
            Expelled from the communal farm for being a kulak.
            Shot.  January 31st 1938.

The small knot of people...

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When I Die

When I die, mourn not my passing
But celebrate my life.
If you knew me, then I knew you too,
And you touched my life
- As I touched yours.

Throw a stone into a pond
And ripples spread in ever widening circles.
So the ripples of my life spread
- To touch the lives of many others.

But in my turn I was touched
- By the many ripples of your lives -
And for that I thank you all.

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Fishing for Poets

I go to the poetry group
To listen to other poets
And sometimes read my own.
But she reeled me in!
She caught me like a fish upon a line
And reeled me in!

All I said was "I like your poem".
"Are you an actor?" she asked in reply
"Are you a film star?"
All I wanted was a chat
And possibly some friendship.
Nothing more.

Just as every time a fish
Opens its mouth
It fastens mor...

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The Hearse

The hearse moved slowly
Like a shining silver wraith
Gliding through the summer scene
Along the road from Manningtree.

The coffin carried at the rear
Dressed with bunch of lillies,
Bore its dead with dignity
Upon their final journey.

Following the river's edge
Alongside bright green grassy verge
Over-hung with agèd trees
Seeing all from up on high.

The tidal river full and ...

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The Rose

With colour deepest yellow
Petals soft as silk
It reaches up and draws me in
As I was drawn to you.

Gently lifting up the bud
To just below my nose
I smell its sweet delicious scent
That scent I knew so well.

Lifting up the rose again
To stroke across my eyes
I feel the softest touch of you
That touch I knew so well.

Raising up the rose once more
To brush against my lips

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The Last Train

Standing at life's railway station
Waiting for my train.
Many pass but they're not going
Where I want to go.

Escaping from the storms of life
I shelter in the waiting room.
And while I linger, killing time
Trains keep passing through.

Late at night the last train stops
But none get on or off.
I climb aboard with heavy heart
Not knowing where it goes.

This train will not be ...

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Deo Gratias

I loved you once.

Though I say 'once'
That 'once' continued on
For five and thirty years.

When I was aged
But just eighteen
You took me to your life
Until, when I was fifty-three
You lost your mind.

And then, by that losing
I in turn lost mine
Which, to this day
- Just like my heart -
Has never mended.


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Was there really any point to it all?
What useful purpose have I served
While living out my bleak and lonely life?

Searching for answers, many men
Gaze in to the dying embers of a fire
And measure their life's worth therein.
So too have I been gazing -
Into the dying embers of my life
And taking the measure of my worth.

There will be no statue to celebrate my life.
No awards to m...

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