Don't Worry Little Fish
Keep calm my dear, the night is long,
Our time is short, so just keep strong.
In my arms, where you shall stay,
night after night, day after day.
Your waters calm, the lake is stilled,
Desires awaken, the heart fulfilled.
You want to run, the fear has grown,
Day after day, the path is shown.
A rippling tide, overwhelming love.
A little gift, from God above.
Embrace it all, take my ha...
Wednesday 11th November 2015 11:11 pm
My heart yearns, I know too well.
My mind races, my own little hell.
My feelings scream, writhe in turmoil.
My breath quickens, this mortal coil.
Pain for pain, and breath for breath,
Love for love, and death for death,
Take me now, I care no more
I do not love, I now abhor.
I stand forgotten, yet I still stand.
The taste for life, disgusting and bland.
I find no joy, except the knif...
Saturday 24th October 2015 12:50 am
Stop worrying
Anxiety, pressure, fear, all things that consume,
Darkness, blinding light, the path is never clear.
Will I see? Will I fall? Will this journey resume?
Will I buckle? Will I break? Shall I live by fear?
I don’t know, perhaps, all these things can be.
The power of words, I spoke them, the seed is planted.
I provided a host, the doubt, it grows in me.
Permission to live, decline...
Monday 19th October 2015 7:18 am
This girl
Interestingly enough, I was once in love,
counted my blessings, a gift from above.
with each little sound, my praises I'd sing.
I went along for a while, for what would this bring?
Happiness perhaps? Maybe some fun?
Maybe some joy, maybe a son?
A family oh my, now this could get weird,
I hardly now this girl, it's just what I feared.
Pregnant already, we had sex only twice?
...Thursday 29th January 2015 7:03 pm
The Art of the Clueless
This is a topic, I know all too well.
The people whom stop you, what the hell?
Did they really just... I'm at a loss for words,
Did they just say, how freakin absurd.
Do they know how to breath? Holy crap do they drive?
How do they handle traffic? How the hell are they alive?
These people are clueless, yet they pass off as being,
The world is a mystery, and they simply aren't seeing.
Wednesday 28th January 2015 9:53 pm
The online dating game
Hey how's it going, guess it's the same,
Another set of pictures, of a girl with no name.
Just another essay, of who she claims to be,
but apparently saying hey, comes off too desperately.
Or maybe they want more, from a man who is shy,
maybe I should be the loud boastful guy,
brag about myself, and how I'm successful,
or maybe that screams needy, finding love is stressful.
I hear what...
Wednesday 28th January 2015 9:12 pm
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