The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

Tags from last 12 months

Joylessdivision (1)

SERFS (rise) UP

the house built on the rock

does not collapse in the storm

yet those stones will drown you

in the flood if you are tied to it.

the prince-maker lay the cards

on the table in black & white

as squares on a chess board

the art of war was forewarned.


Alexander's father / Philip the.2nd

    Roman ruler - Julius Ceasar 

          & horseback emperor Napoleon


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Louder Than Bombs

born on foreign shore
falling beyond the crest of the equatorial horizon
to family washed up in a shipwrecked fleet
while fleeing the camps and tattoo stamps of war.

displaced and placed on a privileged pedestal
i pick and pluck the petals inside my mind
while the compass needle spins in distress
searching for direction and equilibrium.

in a basket with ...

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The Starving Artist

Raised on a diet of bible verses,

beatings and curses -

he grew like a rose from the concrete;

feeding on prose, poems and paintings

on pages

of disheveled dogeared diaries. 


His days spent playing ball

in hopeless broken glass

grass-less parks;

filled with litter and rabid dogs 

across foul festering fields

on the stench-ridden outskirts,

the wrong side of...

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The Face of Murder

1.  et ignotas animum dimittit in artes

you & I read the puzzling pages
where Zeno tore the fabric of our pink paper brains
& within that spookiness of waves & particles
in silence, we shattered as billiard balls
after the breaking dawn of timeless days

falling dusk saw the owl of Minerva
spread Athenas wings in apricot shades
as the grey veil of yesterday
was torn asunder & washed an...

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Restore the factory settings of my heart

Eight thousand puzzle-piece
fill the memory carded banks
of discarded blank
cyberspace Alzheimers.

An empty room with silhouetted views,
creating illusion imitating
of a promise to reinstall the words lost
to safety proof
false parachutes.

Without canvas-sized,
indestructible evidence
or ink-based remembrance -
only erasable by flames,
flood or

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Jesus Wept (Unfinished Poem)

Here the crow starves, here the patient stag
Breeds for the rifle…

Special Needs of the Entitled

Orange jackets dressed in disguise
as multicolored coats
in the town of naked emperors
on their knees
at the foot of a hollow throne.

Fifteen minutes of spotlight
is sold at crossroads
  for souls
trapped under mouse mind control
  damaged and caged
in happy-ever-after city.


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