The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 38 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.




Prince Willy and his woman are to wed.

The world unites to say that we are blessed.

(In Haiti cholera’s claimed a thousand dead.)


Polluted water means the plague will spread,

but Will was born within the royal nest

and he and Katie said they will be wed.


The paparazzi’s frenzy must be fed.

The print and broadcast media are obsessed.


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If Ds died

My son has been labouring for some time (and completed his thesis) with a laptop with a malfunctioning keyboard - the D key doesn't work. We've come up with these.


ANGER - keep out!

Citizens a vice bureau

A gangster on the street corner selling rugs

Nanotechnology? No goo will come of it.

A gangster on t'street corner sellin' 'ope


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Not the Spanish Inquisition

I wasn't expecting the border police.
Not in Oldham, anyway
- too far from the coast.
They came on the heels of a yellow storm,
ran-tan-tan on the door
echoed the rolling thunder.
‘We’re checking passports,’ they said
‘on a random basis.
We often do.’
I answered quick, with
undisclosed deliberation,
‘I have no passport.’
‘Then how do you know who you are?’
‘I have a mirror,’ I said.

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In praise of imbalance

A walk into the wind and snow
or Coltrane blowing all the colours
he can, from one still tune.
Consider how he endlessly tips
the music into other shapes
or how we, walking, topple
from one unstable balance
to another. And so we loved,
tumbling heels over head, fall after fall.

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Cooking the book

‘For tea,’ she said, ‘I’m making something
using the Jamie Oliver book.’
My saliva glands flowed as I wondered
what verbal confections she’d cook.

Consommé of contents
simile soup
verb vol-au-vents
liververse on toast
summary sentence salad
pages en croûte
pan-fried paragraphs with refried nouns
filleted phrases with mixed metaphors
grilled grammar with colon coulis
tetrameters of t...

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Haiku by Tree no. 02269

Don’t let this warm glow
fool you. Dry rot, you know. Yet
you have a future.

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La Carrière des Fusillés

La Carrière des Fusillés
La Sablière, 22 October, 1941

Twenty-seven voices singing in the afternoon.
Let’s go, children of the homeland.
Then eighteen.
Let’s go, children of the homeland.
Then nine.
Let’s go, children of the homeland.
Then none.

The darkest hour, across Europe.
Only two capitals raging still
against the killing of the light:
bomb-battered London;
beleaguered Moscow.
Iron doors closing.

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Hail to the chief

Barack Obama
is an oratorical charmer.
Now he’s the Pres
we can judge him by what he does and not just what he says.

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