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On hearing John Fowles fart


In the sun bathed seaside town of Lyme

Where ice cream now drips where dinosaurs once walked

pastel shaded cottages skirt the sea

And Grockles eat cockles and cobbs on the Cobb.

A writer of repute resided

A postmodernist existential philosopher 

Who welcomed me into his home

A number of times, talking of his craft

His books his work and films that were made of this


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humourJohn FowlesLyme Regis


Parking his mobile library
A short time before it was due

He provided Jean with a sneak preview
Often giving her extra lending time
Without ever punishing her with a fine

And afterwards 

as she adjusted her hair 
And he adjusted himself 

They placed fallen books 
back onto the shelf

And when his bus groaned and spluttered off
Jean knew that she wasn't his only stop.


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The dog who died

A dog died on the streets today
A well bred dog with pedigree
His coat was riddled with fleas and lice 
And his stomach was empty.
He would never bark or snap or crack.
Some would offer him food or treats
And some say he died of sadness and grief
A man died on the streets today 
One less dog to think of 
some were heard to say
On his passing away. 

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The lady of the night.

There's a lady
who's known as the lady of the night. 
On the dot of 9-00 she arrives, 
with her fiery lips and fiery hips
dressed in colours that match her eyes. 
She totters on heels as high as a hand
and makes her way down the street 
to the place that she calls her place of work 
where her clients know that she’ll be. 
In driving rain she'll be there again 
as the drivers stutter on b...

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The Mother.

The day that she was told that she would die
she did a big shop for the family
and made the kitchen smell of baking bread.
she labled and then ladled into pots
then all went in a freezer fit to burst-
as meals that they could eat when she was gone.
Then, going up into the children’s rooms
she took some time to sit upon each bed
and chancing on a scattered shirt or top
she held them close ...

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Boys and girls

Boys and girls
come out to play 
but boys are more often led astray 
From the moment of conception 
the boys hand holds a weapon 
pointing that willy 
willy nilly 
gradually learning to gauge the distance 
and then with age comes the decision 
to aim the weapon with more precision 
and the years of practice at pointing this piece 
plants seeds in his head
of disturbing the peace
but t...

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When a child asks about the cruelty in the world.

Switch off the TV’s

Cover their ears

Wrap them in cotton wool

Drink all their tears

Drown them in fairy tales

Sing them sweet songs

Take them to places

The bad don’t belong

Bathe them in sunshine

Shower them with love

Serve them their childhood

Wearing kid gloves.

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They lay

They lay

as distant in their sleep

as cars upon the street

bums and bumpers

back to back

double parked

in a life

as empty

as the words 

they spoke

at their wedding


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