The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

has to stop somewhere

Dare i to write a masterpiece of never ending rhyme? Where story flows and emtions grow with every single line?

keep writing and writing until one page somehow turns to four, nd four keeps on growing until suddenly there are four more?

And try as i might i just cant stop from letting the ink flow. Everything i write will link and just seemingly appear to go,

For example when starting to w...

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Hello, and welcome to the news

more stories today of drugs and booze,

if you're nnot already bored, financial issues

in the same week in, week out boring news

And now a message from the PM!

oh, the links broken, no worries- only talking crap again

and then theres the weather - you guessed it - rain!

and another celeb recalls their lifelong pain!

and now to my assistant for ...

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sitting here and listening to you ask the same question again and again, that look on your face not knowing when to refrain, the actions and symbols that go along with it, asking myself again and again when will you quit it?

just finding my buttons and pressing each in one in turn, the surprised look at my reaction - never seeming to learn. Theres a big shiny one there entitled "big red", lets ...

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family daughters

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