Imprisoned Thoughts - (Freedom)
In Myanmar a young man paused
He thought the junta should go
He thought young monks were brave
He would thank them
But he daren’t speak
He might not grow old
His thoughts live
In the prison of fear
In Tehran a girls passes a college
With her chaperone
She wished she could attend
She would thrive there
But she daren’t speak
She might be beaten
Her thoughts dwell
Thursday 28th October 2010 10:05 pm
Dead Eyes
Children’s faces stare
Blank and calm
Children’s small hands
Raise Kalashnikovs
Children's thin fingers
Squeeze their triggers
Flying hot metal
Rips flesh
Breaks bones
Gunfire drowns out the screaming
Hatred drowns out the screaming
Closed minds drown out the screaming
Death drowns out the screaming
Smoke curls and drifts
Dust and ash settle
Dead eyes stare
The dead eyes ask
Monday 13th April 2009 2:32 pm
Different Dad
By day he looks like your dad
He acts like your dad
He even thinks like your dad
But my dad
My dad is different
He’s not one of us
Come the darkness
And the moonlight
He changes
Its in his blood
And it gets worse
He’s not like the regular
Once a month
Werewolf type dad
Changing for just one crazy night
Or the beer drinking
Once a week
Friday night with the lads
Wednesday 4th March 2009 11:13 pm
Not Like the Rest
This is a true story about a girl I knew for just a little while. It’s a genuine tragedy. She wasn’t like the rest. It also forms a kind of rant against a system that not only let down this particular girl but many others as well. Hope you like it, or are moved by it even if its too sad to enjoy.
Young, slim, pretty
Shiny black hair
In satin waves
Freshness of youth
Delicate features
Thursday 22nd January 2009 4:33 pm
I’m awake
Not un-sleeping
But awake
More awake than ever
Awake to today
Awake to tomorrow
Awake to life
Awake with your voice in my ears
Awake with your smile on my face
Awake with your hair in my fingers
Awake with your fragrance in my mind
Awake with your taste on my lips
Wednesday 15th October 2008 6:28 am
Time after time
This is a poem about why I don't ever want to retire (again), it isn't about one real-life person but loosely based on a number of people I've known over the years.
Time After Time
Thirty years ago
They were all there
From the shop-floor
From the salesroom
From the office
And from his secluded
Segregated suite
Even the boss himself
The polite applause
The empty speeches
Slipping fro...
Saturday 11th October 2008 2:11 am
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