The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 31 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.

My heart

People tell me to listen to my heart, 

But what is she does not speak to me. 

What if she ignores me.

Not wanting me to love?

my mind, He is in contact with her. 

Yet, He still refuses to listen to her. 

Instead He takes charge, 

overpowering and dominating her voice. 

He doesn't just give me an answer, 

He gives many. most which contradict.

Yet she still stays silent...

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Can Some One Please Help

I need some help with my poem. I am new at this and I would be ever so thankful if some one could give me some feed back at what I have so far. Thank you. 

Death, Depresion, Demise,
Oh there are so many other words that can be used,
Prettier and more beautiful words in our languege,
Yet i find myself becomeing attached to theses words,
Clutching to them like my life depended on it.
But, ma...

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