The Island
What love what loss so close so long so long
The birds carry on in song
It's an awful walk up
Do you ever get the feeling like you are being watched?
Subconsciously being lured off course?
Everythings not alright on the island tonight
Lifes unfair
Something is going to happen
But why?
I swear I am a good person
Sence supernatural weirdness in the ...
Saturday 23rd April 2016 10:38 pm
Earth's Not Everything
Let's find ourselves Tonight Outside
Climb buildings high explore underground deep
Excited Earth's not all its cracked up to be
As if my water's fluoridated I don't trust it
Seeming aggetated
It's getting boring now mate,
They are fucking with us somehow
Bet you believe I'm wrong or not right in the head.
Been attending funerals since 1993
Real life harsh times
...Saturday 23rd April 2016 9:42 pm
Can't make sense of anything going crazy I believe can't help it need no assistance
Jotting up pros and cons of being wrecked or restless I get by
Isn't ideal thinking these types of thoughts I'm not special or guilty
Take no notice of me still getting to know myself
Collective consciousness is worth researching
Maddening pine forest tricks
Can live without gossip
Found a ri...
Tuesday 12th April 2016 8:25 pm
Thank God I went school, could of just Nearly been banged out there
Am blipped at the bus stop
Late as usual, in a rush
Banging KRS ONE
Having a laugh with my shadow
Feeling good big up everyone
Enjoying myself I could kiss the floor
Delighted to be alive at the moment
Much love rejoice rejoice joy joy joy
Buzzing pure nuff hectic energy
Can't keep still good day to be living
Rowdy in my Luimneach jersey
The 192 comes an...
Monday 11th April 2016 5:28 pm
Clare wants a river to die
For Christmas I got dumped but..
Even though I lost my girlfriend I also found a pen
Things always work out for the best in the end
What did we expect?
Everything happens for a reason
She's in to poetry of course
But doesn't know what to make of my writing
Sorry for not changing anyway
Thanks for everything
Let me try chatting you up
As you talk down to me
...Monday 4th April 2016 10:47 pm
Tell me everything you can't do to us
Awoke troubled from a crazy dream felt so real
Feels like something ain't right here and that's not fine with me
Clothes shelter food smalls lennon hicks
Why's does hidden knowledge exist?
Does reality need saving?
Amen Ra
Check you're facts worship false idols
Act popular. Mod cons. Goodbye nice try
Spiralling out of control
Thanks giving in isolation
Sunday 14th February 2016 7:04 pm
Christmas and New Year
and I would call you from the Knights templar tower 2am
Took to the holy well down in the Munster Republic
When i landed there was a rainbow so
Childers road Christmas prospects Nearly crying leaving Ireland
Going for the party on the Irish sea it's called The Ulysses
Feel to get pissed Blooms bar gone crazy
Watching the lights of Dublin dissappear one of the sadest encount...
Saturday 16th January 2016 3:33 pm
Taboo sados bat ba bee binit beerter
Dear To Whom It Concerns.
Wonder if anything interesting is happening in there tonight ?
High on life hope no one minds . am feeling lucky enjoying being me
Thank God I was invited , I have a reason to go in !
So I went to the bar at the 3minute threater , as you do ,
And asked politely for a cider BUT to be honest
All I got from them was some seriously negative energy straigh...
Wednesday 4th November 2015 12:05 am
You're not right in the head if you think I want to fit in
No offence I have my reasons
Blooming moody poetry
I got 5 out of 10 for performing in Didsbury the crowd loved it
F the haters they may dislike my face but at least I dispise them aswell
Mmm money lovers should remember not everyone's had a sheltered childhood soz
I've said too much its never enough
You make me feel l...
Sunday 4th October 2015 8:13 pm
Almost Impossible Forest
Enchanted scenes running for my life
Lost horrible in the creepy mist of the strange dark woods
Think that I may very be well and truly gone good and proper
I have been in the water so my phone is broke
Acting absurd like there's no tomorrow.
I met two of my mates, it was weird, the one with the axe, I didn't really look at him,
I focused on the other man witness me dribbling mag...
Sunday 28th June 2015 10:10 am
Wave One
Feel the tide breathing tremendously sneaking in heavyweight water laughing
Unforgettable nightmare whirlpools having a field day
Triumphant shifty liquid moving in rapid
Hugging the seafront
Water of life giftwraps soggy buildings
Making clocktowers become sick waterslides overnight
Turning the city to soup
Floods are off their heads deep dark loughs are seriously strange...
Sunday 28th June 2015 12:26 am
The Inadequacy Of Education and The Threat Of Mental Health
Deranged over the hills and far far away
ashaimed of myself , on stage , getting in a state
using certain words for unknown reasons,
on a mission ,
fuck admiring mansions i show love to the flowers more ,
listening is totally up to you yeah , give a shit really
message received loud and clear just how i like it ,
NOT silent and secretive
in the meantime
i am feeling so v...
Monday 4th August 2014 1:23 am
you what i go up mountains for this
100 miles per hour winds
'Aving it ,
Flipping trees Falling
puddles the size of fields
filling metal cabins with stones
the moon got hurt
in cycles of 7 years
i was dead at 21 and born again when i was 28
these things that came from the heart
erosion of the mind
i never thought of not being wanted
i watched woodworm at work
...Wednesday 12th February 2014 10:24 pm
what is the world coming to when...
Man United beat bottom of the league 2-0 at home and everyone's making a big deal about it
Spider's that have been here for years suddenly become killers
Jim Davidson " From Zero to Hero "
People find out a lot of beef was horse meat really but still buy ready meals
Wednesday 29th January 2014 11:56 pm
Just a bit of mountain fun
on the east face of Tryfan and you have never heard of me
keeping 3 points of contact at all times during this
just a bit of mountain fun
damned if i do , damned if i don't
but i will , and alone
at the summit jumping from Adam to Eve
mind the gap or it will take care of you
Darting up Helvellyn in a mad rush
it will be dark soon
think like a warrior and act like your no...
Wednesday 22nd January 2014 9:47 pm
Going Back To Askeaton
Glad it is over ,
sad im leaving
yeah at Cagney's im asking in English where the other room be ?
and the Irish in the room are pretending they dont understand what im saying
i looked right in the eyes of one like " who the fuck are you talking to ? "
you'll not want to find out who i am
let me tell you a secret = im looking to lose the head
next minute im being served guinne...
Monday 25th November 2013 6:59 pm
things i'd not want others to know number 2
when im looking into the mirror pointing and saying YOUR MORE PATHETIC THAN ME !
Saturday 25th May 2013 12:19 am
in the dark for ages.
the hardest thing for me about accepting god is ,
that will mean i have to acknowledge the devil as something very real.
Saturday 18th May 2013 12:59 pm
messy field
warning ,
satanic wordplay is at work here
kicking in barn doors laughing
the other day i found out that cromwell got the fa-buck da digged up and hung
information is exciting
being smacked in the face was much better
there's nothing like blood
open wide
loyal to demonic activities
get the chanting going
Saturday 20th April 2013 11:43 pm
a note to those without hope Empathic illness.
Tuesday 16th April 2013 7:20 pm
chemical machanics; part two ; knowing enough to understand no one will care
Sunday 9th December 2012 4:00 pm
chemical machanics; part one ; the theory and practice of oligarchical collectivism
Sunday 9th December 2012 3:18 pm
what passes off as rubbish nowaday's
we all come together here
shairing the best and worst of our experiences
and i wonder in between the messages
i look left then look right ,
then proceed forward with my eyes closed
im not always in the wrong
but ,
but ,
the poetry of poets devours me
and saves every little bit of me i invested in
time and effort , lyrics of regret
i made myself look s...
Sunday 19th February 2012 4:16 pm
now what?
none of my teachers ever liked me infact they'd tell my younger sister that im thick
not everyones parents had a sheltered childhood
"Money In Here" written on mancunian bin
the lost generation are looting on the high street
DON'T pretend your shocked
pure kids active in new trainners playstation 3 5...
Wednesday 10th August 2011 4:15 pm
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