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Like a muscle over worked from too regular under use- I ache.

Skipped stretches, no cool down, seizing from the exertion. 

A weight in the back of my throat pulls me down. 

Heavy and loaded, my voice is tight.

Down deep into my chest my lungs heave against the heart that aches.

My heart sits like a stone. 

A magnet:constantly pulling towards you. 

A solid piece of iron core th...

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To all of those I’ve ever judged

For we make judgements everyday

When to cross

Is it safe

How high to jump


Fairly arbitrary but based upon a set of rule or logic or fact either in truth 

or against ones own truths

And that’s the point indeed

We judge against the truths we set for ourselves, 

not just those based on stats or facts

But those which grow and grow and grow and twist and gnarl and go bac...

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Tears not yet fallen

The tears not yet fallen start building, growing, feeling.
The tower teeters every taller as the tears try to escape.
But I build scaffolding and pipe work and defences to endure the pressure that increases.
Diverting flows away from exposure.
They sit there, hovering over the cliff edge. Off the edge but clinging on. Fingernails scratching, knuckles white, but holding
The sparkle can be seen...

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I Can't Breath

When you’re not near, the air is gone
My lungs don’t run
The air is still and quite and lonely.

The air that I used to breath is sharp and cracks against my ribs.
I use the scent of your hair instead
to run my lungs and function in the world.

My terror is that this world, in which
I function is a mist, that slips
between my fingers, disappearing
in an instant.

Always hidden behind ...

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Crying in the Ladies

I have too many feelings:

Feelings that reach out around me, pushing out, stretching out. 

Feelings that feel like they are going to rip me up from the inside out.

Feels like I have to hold them in, tie them up, bind them tight.


Until they cannot be held any longer.

Cannot be tethered to one simple point and start to spill over.

Out of my eyes they start to flow

Down my c...

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Tempted by the FLOOR

I'm going to write a poem,

to get it all outside,

all the feelings that I feel

and that I try to hide.


I' m going to write a poem;

about what I'm not sure.

Just a rambling set of words

to keep me off the floor.


You see, that when I feel all floopy

and the words just wont play ball.

I sometimes curl up in a heap-

maybe in a bathroom stall


And so I ...

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