Hope (Remove filter)
To Find Some Meaning
I often think about the past.
Had it been too slow or too fast?
Then I ponder on what might have been.
What I might have done and might have seen.
I think about all the times I've wasted,
And how I took for granted the things I tasted.
Where am I going? What am I doing?
What became of the life I had once been viewing?
Now all I see is a fog so dense
That in this life I can find no sen...
Saturday 27th January 2024 5:06 pm
Grinding to a Halt
If your mind becomes imprisoned,
And the whole world now seems strange,
And the things you once enjoyed
Now no longer make a change.
If your life now has no reason,
And you just exist from day to day,
Just drifting between each moment,
And it doesn't help what others say.
No matter where you may be -
Whether in the country or the city,
All your interests may have dissolved,
And you ...
Sunday 14th January 2024 12:18 pm
Should we spend our time just looking back?
And replay our lives all painted black?
Should we say 'What if's...?' or 'If only... '
To explain why we are sad and lonely?
So do not be angry with the past.
Try making your contentment last.
Don't be impatient. Do not fret.
And with the life you've led don't be upset.
So don't be cross. Don't be a quitter,
And of what has happened do not b...
Friday 20th October 2023 10:31 am
Keep to the Right Path
Whenever you start to fret or worry,
If you feel impatient or in a hurry.
And you realise that you may be stuck
Walking your path of dreadful luck.
You feel despondent and dejected,
And by the whole world quite rejected.
Then you may ponder and you may think,
How much lower can my despair sink.
But can you just step off this road?
Can you set your mind to a cheerful mode?
Your view o...
Friday 27th January 2023 1:51 am
We must never be ruled by our circumstances.
We must follow our hearts and follow our chances.
No matter how hopeless. No matter how late.
Know that we are special and we can become great.
We must also know that hope does exist.
So know that we are free and this will persist.
Take down those books from our mind's bookshelves
And ponder those wise words as we read to ourselves.
Tuesday 13th September 2022 6:02 pm
To The Future
If you find yourself with awful luck.
And that in the deepest hole are firmly stuck.
If you feel from it you'll never rise,
That the world is cruel and harsh in your eyes.
If you feel there'll never be a tomorrow,
And you'll never leave your path of sorrow.
If you feel your life has no point or reason,
And it's loose ends will never find completion.
You must know that life is always ch...
Wednesday 6th July 2022 9:03 am
Sometimes justice does not prevail,
And life becomes unfair.
Sometimes the hardest workers fail,
And hope turns to despair.
Sometimes we see the fat cats thrive,
And the little people do then suffer.
Sometimes the careless do survive,
While judicious lives do become tougher.
Sometimes punished are the good,
While the sinful are rewarded.
Sometimes the best are misunderstood
And the ...
Saturday 29th January 2022 8:00 am
As we enter 2022,
What will it bring for me and you?
Will it be a brave new year?
And not be filled with dread or fear.
Will it bring us joy and bring us hope?
And no longer find it hard to cope.
Where we'll get back to normality,
And this will be our reality.
Will this new year bring us new beginnings?
Where we'll succeed and keep our winnings.
Where we will get on the proper trac...
Friday 31st December 2021 8:12 am
Do Not Give Up!
If we arrive at great misfortune,
Try not to be bitter.
Turn it into something positive,
And do not be a quitter.
And if we should meet a dead end,
Or if we should lose our way,
Know we can get back on track
And that tomorrow's a new day.
And if we don't know where we're going,
And we are filled with huge despair,
We can redraw our map of life,
And find our roads lead everywhere.
Tuesday 9th November 2021 7:02 pm
I love to feel contentment.
It always gives me satisfaction.
It comforts and relaxes,
And is a beautiful distraction.
It makes me warm and cozy.
It gives me a definite direction.
And whatever I may be doing,
I shall keep a sweet reflection.
Wherever that I may be,
I hope it shall stay forever.
To cherish and to hold it,
And to let it go - I do say: never.
I then believe the world...
Wednesday 9th June 2021 6:26 pm
This Life
This listless life just drifts on by,
Like the clouds which float up high.
All is still and nothing moves.
On each and everything I disapprove.
So turn the wheel. Let life be good.
Let us all be understood.
Let the Sun now break through.
Let this golden globe echo our life's view.
Then take us from this world of trouble.
Prick and pop this secret bubble.
And through the tears of heav...
Friday 4th June 2021 5:30 pm
When given a choice of right or wrong,
Be resolute and try to stay strong.
When making a choice - choose what is good.
Even if your deeds are then misunderstood.
If at a crossroads you find you arrive,
Take the honest path. Try not to contrive.
If you choose the wrong road you may be shamed,
And mud might forever then be your name.
So travel the path to a righteous location,
Tuesday 13th April 2021 2:02 pm
Covid Vaccinations
We now have a cause for celebration
We shall defeat Covid by vaccination.
Against this virus we all must fight.
To be immune is now our right.
There are different types of vaccine.
And it's the biggest project that we've seen.
They are distributed throughout the nation,
And for all the workers give appreciation.
When I was first there I became afraid,
But looking back I'm glad I staye...
Monday 22nd February 2021 1:46 pm
The State of World
All people now seem to crave success,
Though this road may be one of stress.
And so many try to be perfect,
Knowing success brings respect.
We all appear to be in competition
To get more money and more recognition.
So why do some have an endless need
To fulfil a constant greed?
So away with envy and with hate,
For we now have bigger things upon our plate.
The world now ne...
Friday 5th February 2021 11:01 am
Our Covid Christmas
This year has been different and certainly strange,
So for this Covid Christmas we must all make a change.
With our loved ones we may not be able to share,
But remember them still and know that they do care.
Although Covid-19 makes us all be apart,
Try to be strong and remain stout of heart.
Though at this festive time numbers may be reduced,
Know a wonderful Christmas may still be produc...
Wednesday 16th December 2020 6:30 pm
Life is not a Fairy Tale
Life is not a fairy tale,
And often has no happy ending.
It may be a long, forlorn story,
And no moral is it sending.
Life is not a fairy tale,
And it may all be quite disjointed,
And when we see a hopeful glimmer
We end up disappointed.
Life is not a fairy tale,
And we must accept that it is real,
So when come across a painful time
It is what we truly feel.
Life is not a fairy t...
Wednesday 12th August 2020 8:20 am
Captain Tom Moore
A man we all know - Captain Tom Moore,
A veteran from the second world war,
He has just reached one hundred years,
And whose recent feat roused many cheers.
A hundred times he paced his grounds,
Which quickly raised millions of pounds.
To the NHS will go that money,
From a challenge that at first seemed funny.
He showed that age is just a number,
Which should be nothing to encu...
Friday 1st May 2020 12:03 pm
NHS Workers
All remember and do not forget
Those to whom we owe our greatest debt.
They help us when we are in distress;
It is all of those who work for the NHS.
Around the clock they are always there,
And all this time they surely care.
Though it is something that we just expect
From those who deserve more respect.
Each worker endlessly strives
To cure and save all of our lives.
So sure...
Friday 27th March 2020 3:57 pm
Moving Forwards
If we find ourselves endlessly struggling,
And with many problems we are juggling.
If we become lost or should we suffer,
There is but one way to become tougher.
We must pull together and unite.
We must all stand up for what is right.
We must be strong. We must be brave,
And not be scared or be afraid.
We must try to see the light ahead
Without despair but with hope instead.
So don't...
Saturday 21st March 2020 5:02 pm
On the Up
However bad life may become.
Whatever problems you must face.
However many enemies you that make.
How many times you fall from grace.
However hopeless you may feel.
However deep seems your despair.
However cruel this world appears
And when all things seem so unfair.
Know that life can turn around.
And a new dawn will come about.
So however dark your well of fear,
Know you'll find yo...
Tuesday 10th March 2020 7:03 pm
We must champion the underdogs.
We must support the poor and weak.
We must all fight along the side of those
Whose hope and luck seemed bleak.
We must not not give up nor give in,
Till we defeat those who taunt and boast.
For the underdogs - they are the ones
Who need our help the most.
We must conquer all the giants.
We must all be brave and strong.
We must all stand up for ...
Thursday 6th February 2020 3:34 pm
A Better World
We should all feel safe when in the street.
Wherever we may go and whoever we meet.
And if there's one thing that should be clear,
We should not go outside while we live in fear.
Yes, all the people have the right
To live in peace and without a fight.
And it is our right to go out somewhere
To feel secure and free of care.
And I do hope to have an expectation
That people shall have mo...
Friday 31st January 2020 1:51 pm
Winter and the future
The winter time - it may be cold and wet,
But there are things which we should not forget.
Do you enjoy trudging through the snow,
Or rather stay inside with nowhere to go?
Of course we now have Christmas too,
Which is a time to rejoice for me and you.
And we prepare for the long dark nights,
A new year begins with great delight.
And so it is now time to look ahead,
Not with de...
Saturday 7th December 2019 4:19 pm
I wish I could see the future,
And then see it plain and clear.
And hope it is full of love and joy
And not misery or fear.
I wish I could see the future,
And hope it is happy and care free.
Not at all with cruel oppression,
But with peace and harmony.
I wish I could see the future,
And hope the world becomes respected,
But since all these may just be a dreams,
It may be ha...
Sunday 24th November 2019 6:31 pm
When I am hit by the whip of melancholy
It makes me forget how to be jolly
It brings on great impatience and agitation
With anxiety and huge frustration.
Often it can really get too much,
And on my sanity I strive to clutch.
Sometimes I might even find it hard to think,
And from thought to thought I cannot link.
I cannot get my mind in gear,
And all around me I may not s...
Saturday 5th October 2019 2:05 pm
To Live or not to Live?
If one should get right up to death's very brink
This is the time to stop and think
'Shall I stay alive or shall I die?'
Though there is no one round to hear this cry.
We are not crazy, bad or weak.
Only to end our pains is what we seek.
Oft we keep these troubles to ourselves
For we feel that no one can be of help.
But whatever there might be ahead
We cannot m...
Saturday 21st September 2019 7:39 pm
Life for Everyone
No, there does not exist a perfect person
Or a perfect scheme of life,
And there is no path all smooth to travel,
With all happiness and with no strife.
And while cannot turn back time
We may amend our mistakes
And we can then learn of them
No matter how long it may take.
So patience must be our lifelong guide,
And not to dwell into despair
And not spend our...
Tuesday 3rd September 2019 7:09 pm
O karma will always prevail
Although it may take many years
Then it shall be understood
Why you cried those tears
So in time one shall receive
Just exactly what one should
And be seen for what you are
Whether it be bad or good
And even in your darkest hours
Know ahead of you shall be light
So if you want to challenge life
Don't give up without a fight
Tuesday 27th August 2019 9:44 am
I never like to be ANGRY as it is an awful feeling.
As often we do regretful things when all tempers hit the ceiling.
Because after that YOU might be the one who ends up getting blamed!
And then it may be YOU who feels the GUILT or SHAME!
I never like to feel BORED and have all my interests unoccupied.
Where we find we cannot doing anything whether we have or haven'...
Saturday 24th August 2019 11:14 am
In this world are we all different
Or are we all the same?
Don't we all deserve to have respect
And the right to have a name?
Do we not all have feelings?
Do we not all breath the same air?
Don't we all enjoy the same weather
In this world that we all share?
Do we not all have the right to be safe
And the right to feel secure?
And should this all last just f...
Thursday 22nd August 2019 7:54 pm
Obsession (OCD)
O, they can drive us really mad - our peculiar obsessions.
Are you cleaning all the time or are you buying too many possessions?
Or perhaps you are being miserly and keeping all of your savings.
Or may be you need to do or see something in order to satisfy your cravings.
Is your obsession so odd that no one else can understand?
Has it taken such a hold that it is getting o...
Thursday 22nd August 2019 7:34 pm
Depression is the loneliest place.
It is full of awful and terrible frustration.
We hate everything (ourselves as well)
And gone is each idea and sensation.
Depression is being trapped in a dark cave,
And only outside exists light.
All black is everywhere we turn
And there seems no end to it in sight.
Depression is to have a body of lead
That we must carry wher...
Thursday 22nd August 2019 7:03 pm
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