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Looking back (Remove filter)


Should we spend our time just looking back?
And replay our lives all painted black?
Should we say 'What if's...?' or 'If only... '
To explain why we are sad and lonely?

So do not be angry with the past.
Try making your contentment last.
Don't be impatient. Do not fret.
And with the life you've led don't be upset.

So don't be cross. Don't be a quitter,
And of what has happened do not b...

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Stuart VannerRetrospectionHopeLooking back

Looking back...

If we look back in time and see
All those who brought us misery,
Should we hate or should we forgive?
With which of these should we now live?

Shall we find peace or be embittered?
Shall our minds be clear or with troubles littered?
Should we in joy or sadness wallow?
And which of these paths should we follow?

Shall we resolve to be dejected?
And accept when have been rejected?

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Stuart VannerLooking back

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