The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

a bipolar ode

the weather sucks today

the sun rose sultry grey


it’s supposed to be sunny tomorrow

and i love the orange sun rays


and i hate the rain’s tears

on frosted window glass


smiling shy though the clouds,

shining bright blue sky between its teeth


trapping me in a black stone prison,

its suffocating grey walls


freeing me from misconceptions

made be...

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Before My Eyes

Before my Eyes


the image came to life:


blue lava wails and flares its stifled tongue,

splenetic, sharp and surly-


licking waves which,

cresting ever higher,

catch upon the wind and rain-


crashing down upon

the sailors and the ships

and I can almost feel it,

the ocean’s spray upon my cheeks-


the tension rising

with the wave,


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They were living the dream-

Their dream:

All candles and sea hair

In Carmel-by-the-Sea,

Where crisp breezes flow

Through wispy ocean trees;

Where they lie in tequila sunrises

Finding each other in daydreams

Of tangled cotton sheets and hair.


In a web of silk and satin sand,

Skin in moonlit waters shone;

He laughed of sailing to the sea,

She talked of drivin...

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Lay Still

Hands on throat, ripping hair-

Resist, he’ll fuck you harder-

Lay still.

He wants to hear your pain-

His pleasure is your suffering-

Don’t scream.

Aching, stinging, throbbing-

The writhing pain will dull-

Lay still.

Monsters smell your fear-

Blood will dry eventually-

No tears.

A sigh, a turn, a twitch-

The slightest move might stir him-

Lay still.


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August 9, 1995

August 9, 1995



a haunting road stretched ahead, lit only by the dim headlights of the truck. she wished that there were more people on the road, something to keep her mind busy. the radio played hymns quietly in the background as a deer flashed across the road -unnoticed; as rain trickled on the unmoving wipers; a baby on board sticker on the bed began to peel away; clouds covered the...

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Paper Dance

Damp summer night hugs the two of us,

Wraps us with adventure:

Warm with a sense of novelty

Which shines in her eyes,

Hazel, glinting in the moonlight,

Locked with mine one moment,

Then closed as she spins and laughs in circles,

Whipping me with her hair

Shining auburn in golden twinkle lights,

Glued to her skinny arms wet with sweat.

She’s so beautiful,

So vibra...

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Crytallized Ginger and Eskimo Kisses

Your tangled ginger hair

- crystaled by the moonlight bright-

A pair of ice blue eyes

-shining like the stars, so light-

Your rosy lips just brushing mine

-sugared, as a candied pear-

Reflections in the fountain shine

-frosted by the midnight air-

Nose to nose, eyes closed, we kiss

-thrilling, yes, but not a scare.

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Made of These

The tears fall,

Unstoppable as

rain on autumn hay,

so I let them,

let them sink

as they sing-

paw prints in the snow

against my pillow.


He sleeps so quietly

beside me

so I let him,

let him hide in worlds away,

ones hidden in the day,

so he can hide in golden shrouds

of fairies’ dust on candy clouds.


The tears fall,


November sn...

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Split Pea Soup

Brother and I were hunting fairies and

Catching colds in the winter air

From staying out too late trying to snatch


Shooting stars with our tongues and

Making wishes on falling flakes of snow.

Dreaming of days when Mom’s voice,


Breathing miasma into our fairyland of snow,

Wouldn’t beckon us inside to sit at the table and

Listen to Dad and Mom discuss the details


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Pinup Girl


Me flat,

Hang me up

With pins and on

Stringy wire strings

So you can look at me,

And wonder where the time went,

And wonder where that sweet girl went.

But then, pictures are perfect

Instances of moments

Zoomed to focus on

One memory,




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A Criminal Mind

Sit alone in darkness-


Who is that behind the door?

A motor revving just outside-

Be still-

A boot upon the floor.

Clomping, heavy, up the steps,

Metal clinking with each step-

Closer, closer-

Sneak and hide.

Make no noise, you might survive.

A deadbolt’s thump,

A creaking door-

Dead silence in the shadows thrive.

You take a breath- too loud,


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I hate to start this with

“I’m sorry”, so it’s fortunate I didn’t,

For this unfortunate little sigh

Began with the second thing that I despise:



In any case, it’s sad to say,

I’ve been a pain of late.

Complaining, always feeling down,

Dragging you as well to drown

In sorrows that are not your own.


You see, I’m a toxin.

Not in the way you might imagine...

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