The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Hitman

It was an accident waiting to happen, although it hadn’t happened yet.

The kerbstone had shattered and it just needed one person who wasn’t looking where they were going. But everyone seemed to be looking where they were going. Especially the postman, who would comment on the kerbstone whenever he avoided it.

The severed foot of a small bird lay in the gutter near the kerbstone amongst the l...

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They made too much brown bread so they had to find a way of getting rid of it.  They told us that brown bread was good for you. A lot better than white bread which they said was now pretty bad stuff. Of course white bread was fine when they were making too much of it. It’s a bit like that shortage of cigarettes they are trying to deal with by telling us all that they are killing us.

The kids ar...

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I came upon a car boot sale


Hung-over couples worship and mutter

At the church of dusty clutter


Stewards tend a colourful crop

Of family tailgates opened up


These Sunday ritual strolls expand

Across this green and pleasant land


Once loved treasures much the same,

That Christmas when we played that game


The provenance of each orphaned chattel,

Revealed in the bartering penny...

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Lest I forget

We were born into a tribal space,

A cotton damp and smoky place,

And love smiled upon our struggling cries,

Harsh cold brought warm tears to eyes


Parents they were hard and kind,

Said life was an uphill grind,

So take whatever love you find


So we held each other by the hand,

As Beltane night on Lamas Lands,

We jumped the fire and you became my wife,

All thos...

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That Whitsun when I walked


That Whitsun when I walked

For what seemed like miles,

In holy vestments, crew cut fresh,

New shoe blisters marking my passion


Cubs, Brownies, Scouts and Guides

And scrubbed up angels,

All that life dirt swilled away

Just for one day you see my babies as God intended


We walked the witness passed packed pubs,

Our fresh from the shops new clothes

Not yet ...

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Tiny bird

There’s a tiny bird that visits my yard,

She wakes me with her song that greets the dawn,

Bathing in rain water puddles,

Pecking at the gifts of bread


Another winter survived in her solitude,

She doesn’t fly like others to warmer climbs

But faces all the challenges

That this place presents


Many hungry years past of noisy nests,

Now only egg shell fragments left...

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My dad

My dad



A seven o’clock Saturday sixties sofa

Wrapped in a dressing gown and slippers against the window ice,

The sun presents its crown but the day has not yet begun.


Clearing yesterday’s white and grey grate

The dust hangs heavy in the air,

Caught in the yellow lamplight piercing through the gap in the curtains.


Rolled up print, kindling and coal

A smal...

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The express bus

It’s the express bus, like the express train,

It doesn’t stop at every stop, just every other stop,

A one way ticket to technology town

For all us texting , tweeting, technology twats.


The express bus gets you there faster,

Faster faster Facebook friends

Fall in love with successful cyber self

Coz I’ve buried my authenticity


Your perfect on the top deck

With yo...

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A common language

Woo, woo let’s go,

Hey, hey, hey

Aerobics on Pier 1,

Not on the sidewok,

You sit and eat your big bureedo


I can’t do this right now

Like, I’ve gotta see my therapist,

I’m on the sidewok right now,

Eating my big bureedo on the sidewok

With all that land of the free, home of the brave

Madness, fear, eyes closed pretend end


If you really close your eyes tigh...

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Love your life scar

Look in the mirror

And love this life scar,

Open your eyes with your heart

And love this life scar


The infant fall from three-foot wall,

And raised white ridge across the knee,

That adolescent punch that broke your pride

And shattered nostril and lip


The panic signature right side of groin,

They always say,

“They nearly burst”

Then remembered salty Blackp...

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Brief encounter

It must carry on the air,

A touch, a suggested embrace,

Gentle, not seen, but questioning

Testing, Yes I did but no I didn’t mean but I did?

That I question myself at all, first or last

She already matters to me


Then she held my hand in both of hers,

A gentle touch in the back of the car,

Unbuckled she turned towards me

And we kissed full on lips,

I sensed an int...

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The things the fuck my head

Contrived laughter and seasonal cheer,

Turns all nasty with a belly full of bear,

Teenage hormones stupid and loud,

Shut the fuck up make your parents proud.


Little boy’s body in a holiday sea,

Near the hotel where we had our tea,

Fake profundity, trying to be funny,

I gave you my time now give us your money.


Princess Di reactions to a sad event,

Crocodile tear...

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