The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 47 days, 14 hours. Get details and Enter.

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The Buddha Before you

The Buddha before you

Never the end
   we hear someone say...
or the beginning we hasten to think!

MY life is important...?wha.. wha... what do Yooou think!... ???

3 - 3 - 3 9
I hear you call,
softly and secretly from  the depths of  my soul.

All the while
   living through life   
the buddha before you,                 

Our shadow?               

Our light?

Everything w...

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Atoms into Life


Autumn Stardust - origins of UNIVERSAL SHEEBA

A llingering configuration of ATOMS through Light, reflecting

     Their moment   


and Together

                           in TIME.

‘TIME” a ‘shift’ in our consciousness, when the earth, moon and stars 

were suddenly harnessed by us, and used for ‘our’ gain... 

A labyrinth, made, of subconscious order, to be...

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Ode to Mr Jabberwoke - aka Jason Bliss

This speil was an instant response to member Jason Bliss's poem 'Lead Me Not'

Look it up ?


Learning to Fly

My 'DragonFlyDark' was at top speed,
her wings spread out wide and full
rarely given the chance to fly,
and rarely to ever so Low!

But I caught her sharp, up on the edge,
and pulled upon her reins...
"Woah there my great black beauty"

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Ramblings of an Ambulating Mind

Comatose Kitty

You'll miss me

    if you leave...

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Life = Expansion of the mind... Ever increasing possibilities!!


The human mind is the ONLY thing in the entire universe that does not decay with time!


Our minds grow in size, strength and possibility all the while wadeing against the eneviatable decay of the vertical, the physical body they are carried through their moment in time in. 


As our intelligence expands and our library of experienced knowledge grows, it becomes a race against the...

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Fingers of God - Meditations of a little cat

What is the difference between

Good and God?

- can't always see IT

- can always smell it

- can't always demand it

- can almost always feel it

- it always seems to find me

- it calls to me through the day

- I can hear it, even if I'm miles away!

Feels warm

Feeds food

Fills soul

Feels good, great... God!  But only if I'm still

I have found a process to get what...

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Autumn Stardust - Time is ours to control, we just gotta let go

Look at this configuration of Atoms as seen through refracted light, 

languishing in their delinquency, trapped together, collected, 

a moment in time.

'Time' - made of our own constructs, wishes and rules.

Something to push us!

When we feel the pull....

A self-emposed penalty with promises of Gold!

Do everything fast, and follow the plan, there's prizes you know?! 'Reputation...

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