The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 33 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.


Sitting a stool;
with my guitar.
It came to me as before
Strumming the tune; and
the music flew.
in beautiful silence.
My deep, dark defiance
So many times I have tried
to clear my mind; but
clearing the throat
of faded memories
still vivid only to me
The pitch is horse
As the feelings are on course
The patter continues; and
I can't help myse...

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lovelove poetrypoetryuink


Standing close behind
She shudders in anticipation
For his commanding touch; but
He denies her such satisfaction
Only applying goosebumps to her skin
His hot breath teases increasing her adrenaline
Fingers hooking the straps of her top
Pulling over those soft shoulders
Drawing down ever slowly like molasses 
Cascading over skin on winter morning
The cloth rolls over nipples perked
As ...

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How I Want You

How I want you

The way I like you

Ready and willing

Dressed in lingerie

With a kinky appeal



How I want you

The way you like to

Pleasing us integrity

Showing your ability

That kinky appeal



How I want you

Lingerie and body to flow

Lips to travel down low

Tasting sex appeal

Wanting ...

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Love Anagram

Love Anagram
Complicated terms never drafted, they just happened
unravelling frayed threads called our relationship.
Left in denial, drowning with an anchor called your companionship, 
being on the opposite spectrum.
Teetering in constant emotion, 
like an ironic conundrum.
Where only thing to throw us a life line, 
is for us to...

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Orginally posted on







Aloofed characters we'll see

Lost in the translation to hopeless dreams

Observations of selfish greed

Never to be complete

Ending life on "E".






Longing to find "a" single character to stitch to incomplete seams


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Judge My Love

She didn't understand what she did
When the first hello was said
Words soft and sweet wanting more
Listening to every word she told
Honest and fun a sweetheart's tale
Giggles to stupid jokes I failed
Becoming depended on her each day
Each moment I think of her
My drug it seems, I'm addicted
Orgasmic pleasures with her miles away
More erotic than I ever imaged
Wanting more than I could h...

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uinkloveLove lost

Painted Passion

Orginally Posted on


She stands there painting her door.
He comes behind and seizes her;
Pressing against the wet paint, she oh adorers.
As the clothes are ripped off of her.
Her hands into his and drawn above her head;
His lips tantalizing naked skin.
Tongue curls and lashes to please;
Neck, breasts, naval need I say more.
Hard core it becomes, raw in paint.
She is wet...

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Losing Battle

Since from mother's womb
War has been waged
Losing ground to an enemy
That all are doomed
To our core we are at war
Division to recruit
Ambush to conquer
Attack to defend
Absorption is defeat
It is hell on earth
Our force deteriorating
As we continue to wage 
against this losing war
There is no peace
Even after death it continues
War is bounded to our core
A predetermination of cod...

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Heart Felt

Originally posted on

Heart felt condolences 
Justifiy heavy heart soloists
Rhythmic pain strung
On your rusted strings 
Chattering away my enamel
As it streaks across chalk boards
An ample echo of late
Nothing more I hate
To let a love song go to waste
The lyrics so meaningful
But not to the deaf ear
So I fear it was all for nothing
But it was something, to me.

By: UI...

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In Chain, No

orginally posted on


In chains, no
Yet freedom eludes
Bonded by no prison
Other than the one created
Following society ways
Mounting debt exudes
In chains, no
But maybe easier
Protected in prison walls
As to escape my own
To easy my worries
To mounting debt, explodes
In chains, no
Other than figuratively.

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Sides of Deception

Orginally posted on

Sides of deception;

Powers of corruption;

One nation’s view;

Historical moments recorded.

By the ones who won them.

The Propaganda Puppet corrupted.

Propaganda is a tool to fool a fool.

Its words spewed under fowl breath.

The iron fist prepares to force the mule....

Under the pressure of their head they work to death.

Burying t...

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Orginally posted on

Home, has been always their dream
But it is hell, that welcomes his in reality
Scared from the moment he wakes
Scared to live another day
Silence behind troubled features
Not wanting to trouble, his troubled brothers
He bares his burden another day
To uphold his oath to an unwritten code
The war wages on beyond, his tour of duty
As somehow he found the r...

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sad poetryuink

Linear Measurement

Orignally posted on

What is time?
Not natural an occurrence
Rather a manmade measurement
It goes tick, tick, tick...
A constant reminder; and
The measurement to sequential events;
From past to present and
Future events
A measurement flawed
Right from the start
As we are flawed
Never having enough
Always wasting it;
Throwing it away;
Burning it, killing it;

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Orignally posted on www.uink,ca

Having a moment, where I am
Understanding the lyrics
for the first time,
The words resonate
what they meant to say; and
I'm left hear on repeat
repeat, repeat, re...
Reposition the headphones on;
Isolating the song;
Analytical break down
My opinion becoming undone
Everything I've seen
Everything I've been
A thread unraveling itself;
Leaving me naked...

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When Genius and Insanity Hold Hands

Orginally posted on


The brink of insanity is a stroke of genius;
Bounded by their thoughts and their passion
Conformity to no walls of impossibility;
They are the rock against the current rushing
Taking "No" for an answer, using creativity;
As the capacity that they will change things
They are the witches cast in the fires;
As if using dark magic to create blasphemy

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An Edge

Orginally posted on


So that I don't fall

Distracting me from my intentions

Just talking, telling me what I want to hear

Intentivly listening showing me affection

Telling the things I did need to hear

"I'm here for you"

I feel the effort of you wanting to reach out

But it was at this moment

I cry for help, before anyone would notice

How are people too ...

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Orginally Posted on

The pen strokes on the pad of paper
The blue ink stains and penetrates
A superficial tear at first, but
Left unchecked, a concentrated bleed
Strokes continue, tearing the pages
Layers after layers I continue to scribble
In a seizure of flurry an expression of anger
That I can't channel in this moment, so I scribble
Scribble, scribble, and scribble
I can'...

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In the Snow

This was orginally posted at

This was inspired by the song "Let it Snow", still the same kind of up beat feeling. Enjoy.

Well the weather is making me spiteful.
Even if it looks delightful.
I still don't want to go.

In the snow, the damn snow, the damn snow.

It has been falling all day;
I can't seem to get a break....
I wish I had no where to go.

But I do, in the sno...

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poetryuinkchristmaslet it snow


Sitting in amongst the crowd;
Wallowing in my anxiety
Head phones on, drowning out sounds;
That echoes everyday, in the crowds
Watching them carrying on, life absently
Music allowing me to push pause; and
Remove myself, to reclaim individuality.
Here I can be myself and create
Orginally posted on


Where anxiety is not so real;
I am a mystery as I breath
Taking my surro...

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Fate Understanding

orginal posting on

How to comprehend, events of late;
Trying to understand, can you explain;
Why we must smite our enemy
through greed, fear and fate;
I'm simple man, use plain words;
Creating a world in this state;
Elusive to the bigger picture, guessing;
Not meaning to ignorant, but simpler;
To be secluded to what's happening;
Grasping concepts hurts to understand mate;

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