The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

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The dawn is breaking,
no sense you're making
leaving me, although
better off I will be.
No one will ever 
satisfy you, until
your heart bleeds through
the tough exterior 
that makes everyone inferior
to the image you see 
in the mirror. 

# # #

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Precious china, 
after the fall. 

No longer valued,
or wanted at all. 

Enter the ancient
mending art of

where the broken pieces 
are filled with gold.

Alas, they are stronger
than before,
a sight to behold. 

How befitting God 
did the same thing for me.

Filled my shattered heart
with His love, mended me.

It’s stronger now. 

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Dear Poet

I wish you could 
see yourself 
as I see you. 

You see 
an outcast, 
rebel without a cause.

I see 
a tormented soul 
with so much potential. 

Silver-tongued sage, 
healing hearts 
with the flick of a pen 
on a tattered page. 

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