The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

forgiveness (Remove filter)

Arrogance Immunity

Here comes arrogance again,

slipping into our conversation

like bacteria on a sneeze,

threatening to strangle

my humble light of being.

The challenge is to continue talking,

without letting it infect me.

My soul gives yours a wink,

understanding that compassion

is the antibody. 

# # #

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Cactus Kisses

Cactus kisses 

butterfly wishes

life is a sink full 

of dirty dishes 

waiting to be 

scrubbed clean

to serve 

love on a plate. 

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Do you ever want to 
hold on to a moment 
because it feels divine?

A moment when the stars align, 
and everything is fine. 

A moment when you make peace 
with your past, and your pain. 

A moment when there is 
no sorrow, no shame.

A moment when fear
takes a hike.

A moment when the sky is clear, 
the air is forgiving,
and sun shines bright. 

A moment when everything 

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Go for the Glow

Go for the glow
of good health.

Go for the glow
of a clear conscious.

Go for the glow
of forgiveness.

Go for the glow
of dreaming fearlessly.

Go for the glow
of giving generously.

Go for the glow
of loving unconditionally.

Go for the glow
of a life well lived.


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You ask if I believe in God...
How can I not?

To deny my Father
means I leave my existence
to some 30 year old predator
who impregnated a girl half his age
and left her to raise their child
in the wilderness, among wolves 
that feed on loneliness and despair.

Without my Father, I would never know
that after suffering comes deliverance,
pain leads to compassion,
forgiveness breaks b...

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affectionbabybirthchildrendeliverancedespairdesperationfaith familyfatherforgivenesshopelonelinessnatureprayerrelationships spiritualityreligion


Forgive me, for not 
being the mother 
you needed me to be.

For being too busy,
too naive to see 
what was happening 
in front of me.

For being silent
when your father 
screamed and demeaned.

For when I thought it
was sweet that your 
boyfriend carried you
to your room when you 
"fell asleep".

For not enough hugs
and too many lectures.

For not seeing the signs
of addict...

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addictionconnectiondaughterfaithforgivenessfamilyhealinghellhero's journeyloverecoveryrelationships


You neglected me, 

didn’t protect me, 

abandoned me,

chose an abusive man 

over your children... 

I forgive you. 

I give you the

unconditional affection

never afforded me,

because I love you 

despite everything 

and I don’t want 

the past having 

power over me.


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abusechildhoodfatherforgivenessmotherrelationshipsunconditional love


Precious china, 
after the fall. 

No longer valued,
or wanted at all. 

Enter the ancient
mending art of

where the broken pieces 
are filled with gold.

Alas, they are stronger
than before,
a sight to behold. 

How befitting God 
did the same thing for me.

Filled my shattered heart
with His love, mended me.

It’s stronger now. 

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If you become 
what you think about 
most of the time... 

I am becoming 
poetry, a lyrical 
fantasy floating 
in rhyme. 

I am becoming 
love and light,

Doing my best
to do what's right.

I am becoming 
and peace. 

Healing souls
like Wayne 
and Louise.  

I am becoming
who God intended
me to be.

Leaving a loving

I am becoming 



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lovelightlegacyhealingsoulsdestinypoetryfantasyrhymeGodfaithforgivenesspeacefreedomWayne DyerLouise Hay

Echoes of Life

What are the chances 

of two lost souls 

light-years apart

colliding twice in life?

Astronomical. Yes!

The dance is sweeter, 

with ego out of the way. 

All that remains is love

purified by the same rock-bottom

pressure that turns grains of sand into

pearls, coal into diamonds. 

Not lustful love, agape. 

Godly, unconditional love for humanity. 

Forgiving. Acce...

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agapedestinyfateforgivenessgodlifetimelost soulslovenamastepeaceself-lovetwin flames


He ghosted me,

then I ghosted too.

Maybe ghosting 

spreads like the flu.

Leaves the ghosted

feeling sick and blue

when a loved one 

suddenly starts ignoring you. 

You haven't a clue 

what to do. 

So, you stay in bed, 

with the covers over your head

wishing you were dead

so you can get some relief 

from the ghosting disease.

Eventually, you get up


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forgivenessghostingrelationshipssilenceunrequited love


Our ultimate journey
in life brings us

to the place of

You are enough.
I am enough.

I see you
beyond the labels

You see the same 
spirit in me.

Your enoughness, 
my enoughness

melds together
to create 

the oneness
of love

and that is

Poem inspired by Oprah's Super Soul Conversations with Elizabeth Lesser, author of The Marrow ...

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enoughjourneyloveforgivenessacceptancelabelsinspirational poetryoneness

I'm Sorry

Why say I'm sorry
for something in which
you had no part?

Because, shallow as those 
two words may seem...

the gesture plays 
a pivotal role in 
healing a broken heart. 

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It's Easier to Believe

It's easier to believe
I am a child of the most high God
than to live a life of despair.

It's easier to believe
everything happens for a reason
than to question fate.

It's easier to believe
love is everywhere
than to give in to hate.

It's easier to believe
in forgiveness
than remain a victim.

It's easier to believe
in abundant blessings
than mounting problems.

It's easier ...

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