The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

spirituality (Remove filter)

Transcendent Love

Dear Lord, please find me 

somebody to love.  

God replied, no, 

not just one love. 

I give you an ocean 

of eternal love 

found only in faith, 

poetry and music. 

From this special place, 

you will find love 

like you have never known,

from kindred spirits

around the world, 


space and time, 

to give you a glimpse 

of the divine. 



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Narcissus V Phoenix

Narcissus creatures surround me.
Vultures, pecking at my serenity.
Testing my resolve.
Threatening to consume me.
Daring me to break free,
from a doomed mentality. 

Do I close my eyes to injustice
permeating our atmosphere,
like The Great Smog?


I spread my Phoenix wings.
Rise above the toxic darkness.
Bring forth healing light.
Spread peace, kindness, love.

Never give up ...

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apathydepressiongrowthhealinglightlovemindsetnarcissismpeacephoenixspiritualitytoxic relationshipsvultureszen


In the deserted island of my mind,

cotton candy memories float by,

followed by fog and bomber planes,

raining shrapnel of a painful past

and Nostradamus future. 


I am tempted to retreat, 

among the trees, 

where no one can find me. 

Give up my majestic seat 

on the sandy shores of time. 


Boldly I remain, 

sheltered in plain sight,

like a hermit crab,


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Soul Songs

Your poetic words 

bring comfort

my mind

cannot comprehend. 

Floating in the

healing waters

of your soul, 

is my favorite pastime. 

Two stars colliding,

creating a kaleidoscope 

of time. 

In the space 

of your song, 

life is sublime.

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Muses, Sins & Soul Ties

Is it a sin for your muse

to inspire mine,

provide momentary escapes

from loneliness, pain,

the daily grind,

give words to fantasies

of the mind,

connect soul ties.

It’s hard to believe

a God of love

would consider musing 

a crime. 

If it is, that’s not a religion

to which I subscribe.

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You are a creator.
I am a creator.

I created you
and you created me.

Together we create
our destiny.

Will we fill our life
with strife or harmony.

Will we hide behind fear and doubt 
or flesh our gifts out.

It is up to you.
It is up to me.

To be all we created 
ourselves to be.


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creatorcreationi amdestinylifegodfaithspiritualitymanifestingthe law of attraction

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