The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

wildflowers (Remove filter)


I see you flowering her 

the way you once did me. 


Playing virtual footsies,

oozing lyrical chemistry. 


Move on they say, 

look the other way. 


And so it shall be, 

my focus is on me.


Sowing wildflower seeds, 

shining in the rain, 

dancing through the pain, 

singing in a field of weeds.

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Smiles, flowers, rainbows.

Dried tears. 

Your ghost is here,

alleviating fears. 

A good day, 

crushing brimstone, 

in this wild, 

parallel life.

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Wildflower Wishes

Bury me in a blanket of wildflowers,

nutured by morning dew,


where lilacs perfume the air,

jasmine lights up the night,

wind and rain serenade gardenias,

delicate roses are protected by bushy thorns,

forget-me-nots bloom...


where dandelion wishes

brings me back to you.

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Wild Flowers

In the blue-green meadow

of my silent soul, 

scorpion grass - 

dormant for decades,

now grows wild and free, 

sustaining me, 

spreading love

for the aching world

to behold its beauty.  

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forget-me-notloveNaturepoetry about beautywildflowers

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