The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

Tales from the bucket



I am a man in constant sorrow

constant worry

constant strife

I am constantly opposing every constant in my life

there are times when I am happy

I have even raised a smile

but that is just a consequence

of a constant

in denial



Mostly I sit and amuse myself by

continuously pressing the self destruct button

I do this in the v...

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Tales from the bucket

When the steam clears


There’s a proper sound

something real

a “Clunk”

a proper chunk of past

proper steel to steel

wheel to wheel

a “Thunk”

something you can feel


I Thunk!

I clod about in boots

steel toe capped boots

heel to heel

steel to steel

It suits me


they are my rails

my parallel tracks

in them

I feel secure

on track


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Traintrackvintysteam bootssteel

Tales from the bucket

The tale of the bucket with the easy swing handle


If I should have a field

then I would build a shed

when in it I could yield

ideals within my head

I would have a window

I’d point it at the ground

the shed itself erected

from the things that I have found,


like a door

and the galvanized sheets from another shed

that’s not a shed no more

and a roof that ...

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When does it end?

When does it end?


The dog died

the same day as the fridge

the day the kettle element blew the power

shorting out the electrics at 98% of a program

I’d been downloading for several hours


Error followed error

error followed me

dialing 0800

thinking it was free


Calls from this number are chargeable

“SHE” said


told me to press 2

I did


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No one

          No one but me


I’m not what I was

nor wanted to be

not happy not sad

not bandaged not free

not one in a million

not one of the crowd

not quiet

not silent

nor particularly loud


I’m not one of them

and I’m not one of those

I’m not into fashion

but I do wear their clothes

my looks are quite normal

for those who can see

though shorter ...

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