The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

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i am numb to the outside

as it whirls around me

passing me by


an i frozen in time?

or flying so fast

that the blur begets stillness?


Either answers the same, for

the moments melt into morrow 

and now is never again


The day, elusive 

like the mouse

and the dark night, quick 

and clean as a cleaver


the only time 

I stop and think



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Humility in Mortality

Those who do not accept death

are its only real victims 


For one does not feel the current 

until he begins to swim against it

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I sang a song 

upon that hill

wishing you would hear


but the trees and birds

were all that heard

for you were nowhere near


I raised a note

so full of hurt 

up to the heavens high


and without you,

I laid my pain

upon that midnight sky


I cursed the stars,


my words so black with hate


but they cursed back

and left me ...

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i’d lock myself up

so sealed away

in a tower, high up in the sky


away from all else

bleak, sorrowful peace

would give my own tears

time to dry


i could wake up alone

in this castle of hurt

and feel my dreams fade away


but the scene about us

where you stand at my side

is the one i still dream

to this day


i could hear the birds sing 


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Cry me a river

so I know you can feel

the heartache which splits me apart

in hopes you will come 

with a stick of glue


get me a violin 

and sing me a song

for I’d play

until my fingers fell off

just to hear you sing along


or come kiss me goodnight

bless me with your gentle touch

and look at me with those glittering stars 

so I may fall asleep 


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The Vagabond

she is the vagabond

who wanders with the winds

forever adrift 

a prisoner to her sins


by dawn she appears

nextdoor, or nearby 

she’ll pay you no mind

nor lift you an eye


now, offer her aid

let her stay for a while

she’ll throw you a laugh

or feign you a smile 


but soon as you stop

and question her ways

her grin disappears

her eyes fill wi...

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I want to drape the page

with memories, love

with wandering thoughts and

painful regret


I want to wonder

what I could be, and would

if I took my words and

made them come true


or is that unwise?

to wish for a change 

for the dreams to leave my mind

and join the sunlight around me


I want to climb the tallest mountains 

and trees

I would fall i...

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once stood a great warrior

of malice and pride

with no battle too bloody

for his hungering eyes 


his blade, sharp and stained

stood tall at his side

left in its wake

only dead men would lie


then, in the distance 

that red, setting sun

gave a glimpse to the man

of the deeds he had done


the crimson and black

was all he could see

he saw not the...

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The Fisherman

He waits

unlike most

and searches

through the muck

through the dirt and the dust,

the nails and worms


He waits 

for a glimpse of success

a meal for his minutes spent

on the water’s edge

a reward

for his tireless toil


He waits

as his bucket fills

alongside his hope

then empties

leaving his spirits all the same


For his catch does not ...

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Just A Man

a dream of mine came true

as I lay next to you

losing my worries in the wind


little did I know

I had naught to show

from the heart I was eager to win


as I carried on

in blinded pursuit

my path lit by your auburn eyes


I lost myself there

in your hands and your hair

waiting for my doubts to die


now left here I am

to think of what was

and ...

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I almost regret to write this poem

for fear it may vanish

flicker away like Evan's flame

scared of the voices

that murmurs that carry its name

across the wind

whispers of That


but it only lives for a little

hiding in plain sight

waiting to be noticed

so it may slip away

one more time


only to be invited back

by the warm, orange glow

of the everlas...

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skylark song

calling out to the wall it does not know

fooled by the glass echoes

it cannot escape

chained by sightless hope

gazing through

that which looks it in the eye

there is no glass

there is no glass


there always has been

you never did notice?

did the bird never fly?



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apostropheskylarkbirdsongdenialSkylark Songdisillusionillusion

The Lizard

the lizard lay


not dead,

just content

soaking in the golden rays

bathing in the summer warmth

nestled soundly

atop his rock


eyeing the rising sun

and minding the heat

sure to follow

soon to drain the life from his limbs

dry the life 

from his domain


and soon, each breath

grows heavy with the weight of the last

not quite on pace


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crying out

to the night

make my shivers last

murder my doubt

scream for me, with me

I will scream

to who?



will you listen?

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there once was a boy

good-hearted and innocent


worried not about the 

flecks of mud

clinging to his toes


thinking not of the

stinging scrapes

kissing his knees


worried not

save for the dwindling daylight

bringing end

if only temporary

to his fun


there was once a man

chased by the sun

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timelifetime fliesmemoryhappinessinnocencechildhood

Silent Cacophonies

left unperturbed


althought content

naïve to the stabbing

numbed only by the

warm trickle

promising painlessness


how am I left deaf

but subject to my own cries?


clawing, grasping


for a ledge


a breath


but the stream ceases not

the currents of crimson

rising, smothering

insatiably convincing

they beckon me lovingl...

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the waves, with their

inviting rhythm

unwavering in their steady assault

offering solace in the overwash

they will beat you senseless

throw you around without a 

secound thought

like a doll

ragged, aching


the waves, with their

impregnable rhythm

neither merciful nor sudden

the pain, at least

you can expect

while the scintillating breeze

carries the...

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apostrophesadnessdepressionblocking out the thoughts

The Fire

you lay numb

hypotherminc, dying

the fire, it dances

taunting, flickering, in and out

like hope

hope that it may help

help to that your frozen fingertips

slow your chattering teeth

soothe, ebb the icy grasp of the violent, pulsing

piercing burning

that is your fear and your doubt and denial

the drowning, whispering, screaming

wave that comes crashing

beating ...

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you are drowning

swim, I know you can

you don't realize

the water

it will kill you

it already has

for, why don't you scream?


but your voice is lost

not even 

the bubbles

reach the surface

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